FMI Library: part of
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 fmi_import_context.hImport context is the entry point to the library. It is used to initialize, unzip, get FMI version and start parsing
 fmi1_import.hPublic interface to the FMI import C-library
 fmi1_import_convenience.hPublic interface to the FMI import C-library. Convenience functions
 fmi1_import_type.hPublic interface to the FMI XML C-library: variable types handling
 fmi1_import_unit.hPublic interface to the FMI import C-library. Handling of variable units
 fmi1_import_variable.hPublic interface to the FMI import C-library. Handling of model variables
 fmi1_import_variable_list.hPublic interface to the FMI XML C-library. Handling of variable lists
 fmi1_import_vendor_annotations.hPublic interface to the FMI XML C-library. Handling of vendor annotations
 fmi2_import.hPublic interface to the FMI import C-library
 fmi2_import_convenience.hPublic interface to the FMI import C-library. Convenience functions
 fmi2_import_type.hPublic interface to the FMI XML C-library: variable types handling
 fmi2_import_unit.hPublic interface to the FMI import C-library. Handling of variable units
 fmi2_import_variable.hPublic interface to the FMI import C-library. Handling of model variables
 fmi2_import_variable_list.hPublic interface to the FMI XML C-library. Handling of variable lists
 fmi_util.hSome low-level utility functions suitable for all standards
 fmi_version.hEnum defining supported FMI versions
 fmi1_enums.hDefinions the enum types used with FMI 1.0 libs
 fmi2_enums.hDefinions the enum types used with FMI 2.0 libs
 jm_vector_template.hVector template definition
 fmilib.hInclude file to be used in client applications of the FMI Library
 fmilib_config.hLibrary configuration file generated by the build system
 fmilib_mainpage.hAutogenerated file with documentation