Source code for assimulo.solvers.radau5

#!/usr/bin/env python 
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2010 Modelon AB
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import numpy as N
import scipy as S
import scipy.linalg as LIN
import scipy.sparse as sp

from assimulo.exception import *
from assimulo.ode import *

from assimulo.explicit_ode import Explicit_ODE
from assimulo.implicit_ode import Implicit_ODE
from assimulo.lib.radau_core import Radau_Common

from assimulo.lib import radau5

class Radau5Error(AssimuloException):
    Defines the Radau5Error and provides the textual error message.
    msg = { -1    : 'The input is not consistent.',
            -2    : 'The solver took max internal steps but could not reach the next output time.',
            -3    : 'The step size became too small.',
            -4    : 'The matrix is repeatedly singular.',
            -5    : 'Repeated unexpected step rejections.'}
    def __init__(self, value, t = 0.0):
        self.value = value
        self.t = t
    def __str__(self): 
            return repr(self.msg[self.value]+' At time %f.'%self.t)    
        except KeyError:
            return repr('Radau failed with flag %s. At time %f.'%(self.value, self.t))

[docs]class Radau5ODE(Radau_Common,Explicit_ODE): """ Radau IIA fifth-order three-stages with step-size control and continuous output. Based on the FORTRAN code RADAU5 by E.Hairer and G.Wanner, which can be found here: Details about the implementation (FORTRAN) can be found in the book,:: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II, Stiff and Differential-Algebraic Problems Authors: E. Hairer and G. Wanner Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 3-540-60452-9 """ def __init__(self, problem): """ Initiates the solver. Parameters:: problem - The problem to be solved. Should be an instance of the 'Explicit_Problem' class. """ Explicit_ODE.__init__(self, problem) #Calls the base class #Default values self.options["inith"] = 0.01 self.options["newt"] = 7 #Maximum number of newton iterations self.options["thet"] = 1.e-3 #Boundary for re-calculation of jac self.options["fnewt"] = 0.0 #Stopping critera for Newtons Method self.options["quot1"] = 1.0 #Parameters for changing step-size (lower bound) self.options["quot2"] = 1.2 #Parameters for changing step-size (upper bound) self.options["fac1"] = 0.2 #Parameters for step-size selection (lower bound) self.options["fac2"] = 8.0 #Parameters for step-size selection (upper bound) self.options["maxh"] = N.inf #Maximum step-size. self.options["safe"] = 0.9 #Safety factor self.options["atol"] = 1.0e-6*N.ones(self.problem_info["dim"]) #Absolute tolerance self.options["rtol"] = 1.0e-6 #Relative tolerance self.options["usejac"] = True if self.problem_info["jac_fcn"] else False self.options["maxsteps"] = 100000 #Solver support self.supports["report_continuously"] = True self.supports["interpolated_output"] = True self.supports["state_events"] = True self._leny = len(self.y) #Dimension of the problem self._type = '(explicit)' self._event_info = None self._werr = N.zeros(self._leny) def initialize(self): #Reset statistics self.statistics.reset() #for k in self.statistics.keys(): # self.statistics[k] = 0 def set_problem_data(self): if self.problem_info["state_events"]: def event_func(t, y): return self.problem.state_events(t, y, self.sw) def f(t, y): ret = 0 try: rhs = self.problem.rhs(t, y, self.sw) except(N.linalg.LinAlgError,ZeroDivisionError,AssimuloRecoverableError): rhs = y.copy() ret = -1 #Recoverable error return rhs, [ret] self.f = f self.event_func = event_func self._event_info = [0] * self.problem_info["dimRoot"] self.g_old = self.event_func(self.t, self.y) else: def f(t, y): ret = 0 try: rhs = self.problem.rhs(t, y) except(N.linalg.LinAlgError,ZeroDivisionError,AssimuloRecoverableError): rhs = y.copy() ret = -1 #Recoverable error return rhs, [ret] self.f = f def interpolate(self, time): y = N.empty(self._leny) for i in range(self._leny): y[i] = radau5.contr5(i+1, time, self.cont) return y
[docs] def get_weighted_local_errors(self): """ Returns the vector of weighted estimated local errors at the current step. """ return N.abs(self._werr)
def _solout(self, nrsol, told, t, y, cont, werr, lrc, irtrn): """ This method is called after every successful step taken by Radau5 """ self.cont = cont #Saved to be used by the interpolation function. self._werr = werr if self.problem_info["state_events"]: flag, t, y = self.event_locator(told, t, y) #Convert to Fortram indicator. if flag == ID_PY_EVENT: irtrn = -1 if self._opts["report_continuously"]: initialize_flag = self.report_solution(t, y, self._opts) if initialize_flag: irtrn = -1 else: if self._opts["output_list"] is None: self._tlist.append(t) self._ylist.append(y.copy()) else: output_list = self._opts["output_list"] output_index = self._opts["output_index"] try: while output_list[output_index] <= t: self._tlist.append(output_list[output_index]) self._ylist.append(self.interpolate(output_list[output_index])) output_index += 1 except IndexError: pass self._opts["output_index"] = output_index if self.problem_info["state_events"] and flag == ID_PY_EVENT and len(self._tlist) > 0 and self._tlist[-1] != t: self._tlist.append(t) self._ylist.append(y) return irtrn def _jacobian(self, t, y): """ Calculates the Jacobian, either by an approximation or by the user defined (jac specified in the problem class). """ jac = self.problem.jac(t,y) if isinstance(jac, sp.csc_matrix): jac = jac.toarray() return jac def integrate(self, t, y, tf, opts): ITOL = 1 #Both atol and rtol are vectors IJAC = 1 if self.usejac else 0 #Switch for the jacobian, 0==NO JACOBIAN MLJAC = self.problem_info["dim"] #The jacobian is full MUJAC = self.problem_info["dim"] #See MLJAC IMAS = 0 #The mass matrix is the identity MLMAS = self.problem_info["dim"] #The mass matrix is full MUMAS = self.problem_info["dim"] #See MLMAS IOUT = 1 #solout is called after every step WORK = N.array([0.0]*(4*self.problem_info["dim"]**2+12*self.problem_info["dim"]+20)) #Work (double) vector IWORK = N.array([0]*(3*self.problem_info["dim"]+20)) #Work (integer) vector #Setting work options WORK[1] = WORK[2] = self.thet WORK[3] = self.fnewt WORK[4] = self.quot1 WORK[5] = self.quot2 WORK[6] = self.maxh WORK[7] = self.fac1 WORK[8] = self.fac2 #Setting iwork options IWORK[1] = self.maxsteps IWORK[2] = self.newt #Dummy methods mas_dummy = lambda t:x jac_dummy = (lambda t:x) if not self.usejac else self._jacobian #Check for initialization if opts["initialize"]: self.set_problem_data() self._tlist = [] self._ylist = [] #Store the opts self._opts = opts t, y, h, iwork, flag = radau5.radau5(self.f, t, y.copy(), tf, self.inith, self.rtol*N.ones(self.problem_info["dim"]), self.atol, ITOL, jac_dummy, IJAC, MLJAC, MUJAC, mas_dummy, IMAS, MLMAS, MUMAS, self._solout, IOUT, WORK, IWORK) #Checking return if flag == 1: flag = ID_PY_COMPLETE elif flag == 2: flag = ID_PY_EVENT else: raise Radau5Error(flag, t) #Retrieving statistics self.statistics["nsteps"] += iwork[16] self.statistics["nfcns"] += iwork[13] self.statistics["njacs"] += iwork[14] self.statistics["nfcnjacs"] += (iwork[14]*self.problem_info["dim"] if not self.usejac else 0) #self.statistics["nstepstotal"] += iwork[15] self.statistics["nerrfails"] += iwork[17] self.statistics["nlus"] += iwork[18] return flag, self._tlist, self._ylist def state_event_info(self): return self._event_info def set_event_info(self, event_info): self._event_info = event_info
[docs] def print_statistics(self, verbose=NORMAL): """ Prints the run-time statistics for the problem. """ Explicit_ODE.print_statistics(self, verbose) #Calls the base class self.log_message('\nSolver options:\n', verbose) self.log_message(' Solver : Radau5 ' + self._type, verbose) self.log_message(' Tolerances (absolute) : ' + str(self._compact_atol()), verbose) self.log_message(' Tolerances (relative) : ' + str(self.options["rtol"]), verbose) self.log_message('', verbose)
class _Radau5ODE(Radau_Common,Explicit_ODE): """ Radau IIA fifth-order three-stages with step-size control and continuous output. Based on the FORTRAN code by E.Hairer and G.Wanner, which can be found here: Details about the implementation (FORTRAN) can be found in the book,:: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II, Stiff and Differential-Algebraic Problems Authors: E. Hairer and G. Wanner Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 3-540-60452-9 This code is aimed at providing a Python implementation of the original code. """ def __init__(self, problem): """ Initiates the solver. Parameters:: problem - The problem to be solved. Should be an instance of the 'Explicit_Problem' class. """ Explicit_ODE.__init__(self, problem) #Calls the base class #Default values self.options["inith"] = 0.01 self.options["newt"] = 7 #Maximum number of newton iterations self.options["thet"] = 1.e-3 #Boundary for re-calculation of jac self.options["fnewt"] = 0 #Stopping critera for Newtons Method self.options["quot1"] = 1.0 #Parameters for changing step-size (lower bound) self.options["quot2"] = 1.2 #Parameters for changing step-size (upper bound) self.options["fac1"] = 0.2 #Parameters for step-size selection (lower bound) self.options["fac2"] = 8.0 #Parameters for step-size selection (upper bound) self.options["maxh"] = N.inf #Maximum step-size. self.options["safe"] = 0.9 #Safety factor self.options["atol"] = 1.0e-6 #Absolute tolerance self.options["rtol"] = 1.0e-6 #Relative tolerance self.options["usejac"] = True if self.problem_info["jac_fcn"] else False self.options["maxsteps"] = 10000 #Internal values self._curjac = False #Current jacobian? self._itfail = False #Iteration failed? self._needjac = True #Need to update the jacobian? self._needLU = True #Need new LU-factorisation? self._first = True #First step? self._rejected = True #Is the last step rejected? self._leny = len(self.y) #Dimension of the problem self._oldh = 0.0 #Old stepsize self._olderr = 1.0 #Old error self._eps = N.finfo('double').eps self._col_poly = N.zeros(self._leny*3) self._type = '(explicit)' self._curiter = 0 #Number of current iterations #RHS-Function self.f = problem.rhs_internal #Internal temporary result vector self.Y1 = N.array([0.0]*len(self.y0)) self.Y2 = N.array([0.0]*len(self.y0)) self.Y3 = N.array([0.0]*len(self.y0)) self._f0 = N.array([0.0]*len(self.y0)) #Solver support self.supports["one_step_mode"] = True self.supports["interpolated_output"] = True # - Retrieve the Radau5 parameters self._load_parameters() #Set the Radau5 parameters def initialize(self): #Reset statistics self.statistics.reset() def step_generator(self, t, y, tf, opts): if opts["initialize"]: self._oldh = self.inith self.h = self.inith self._fac_con = 1.0 if self.fnewt == 0: self.fnewt = max(10.*self._eps/self.rtol,min(0.03,self.rtol**0.5)) self.f(self._f0,t,y) self.statistics["nfcns"] +=1 self._tc = t self._yc = y for i in range(self.maxsteps): if t < tf: t, y = self._step(t, y) self._tc = t self._yc = y if self.h > N.abs(tf-t): self.h = N.abs(tf-t) if t < tf: yield ID_PY_OK, t, y else: yield ID_PY_COMPLETE, t, y break self._first = False else: raise Explicit_ODE_Exception('Final time not reached within maximum number of steps') #t, y = self._step(t,y) #yield ID_PY_COMPLETE, t, y def step(self, t, y, tf, opts): if opts["initialize"]: self._next_step = self.step_generator(t,y,tf,opts) return next(self._next_step) def integrate(self, t, y, tf, opts): if opts["output_list"] is not None: output_list = opts["output_list"] output_index = opts["output_index"] next_step = self.step_generator(t,y,tf,opts) tlist,ylist = [], [] res = [ID_PY_OK] while res[0] != ID_PY_COMPLETE: res = next(next_step) try: while output_list[output_index] <= res[1]: tlist.append(output_list[output_index]) ylist.append(self.interpolate(output_list[output_index])) output_index = output_index+1 except IndexError: pass return res[0], tlist, ylist else: [flags, tlist, ylist] = list(zip(*list(self.step_generator(t, y, tf,opts)))) return flags[-1], tlist, ylist def _step(self, t, y): """ This calculates the next step in the integration. """ self._scaling = N.array(abs(y)*self.rtol + self.atol) #The scaling used. while True: #Loop for integrating one step. self.newton(t,y) self._err = self.estimate_error() if self._err > 1.0: #Step was rejected. self._rejected = True self.statistics["nerrfails"] += 1 ho = self.h self.h = self.adjust_stepsize(self._err) self.log_message('Rejecting step at ' + str(t) + 'with old stepsize' + str(ho) + 'and new ' + str(self.h), SCREAM) if self._curjac or self._curiter == 1: self._needjac = False self._needLU = True else: self._needjac = True self._needLU = True else: self.log_message('Accepting step at ' + str(t) + 'with stepsize ' + str(self.h),SCREAM) self.statistics["nsteps"] += 1 tn = t+self.h #Preform the step yn = y+self._Z[2*self._leny:3*self._leny] self.f(self._f0,tn,yn) self.statistics["nfcns"] += 1 self._oldoldh = self._oldh #Store the old(old) step-size for use in the test below. self._oldh = self.h #Store the old step-size self._oldt = t #Store the old time-point self._newt = tn #Store the new time-point #Adjust the new step-size ht = self.adjust_stepsize(self._err, predict=True) self.h = min(self.h,ht) if self._rejected else ht self._rejected = False self._curjac = False if self._oldoldh == self.h and (self._theta <= self.thet):# or self._curiter==1): self._needjac = False self._needLU = False else: if self._theta <= self.thet: #or self._curiter == 1: self._needjac = False self._needLU = True else: self._needjac = True self._needLU = True if self.thet < 0: self._needjac = True self._needLU = True self._olderr = max(self._err,1.e-2) #Store the old error break self._col_poly = self._collocation_pol(self._Z, self._col_poly, self._leny) #Calculate the new collocation polynomial return tn, yn #Return the step def _collocation_pol(self, Z, col_poly, leny): col_poly[2*leny:3*leny] = Z[:leny] / self.C[0,0] col_poly[leny:2*leny] = ( Z[:leny] - Z[leny:2*leny] ) / (self.C[0,0]-self.C[1,0]) col_poly[:leny] = ( Z[leny:2*leny] -Z[2*leny:3*leny] ) / (self.C[1,0]-1.) col_poly[2*leny:3*leny] = ( col_poly[leny:2*leny] - col_poly[2*leny:3*leny] ) / self.C[1,0] col_poly[leny:2*leny] = ( col_poly[leny:2*leny] - col_poly[:leny] ) / (self.C[0,0]-1.) col_poly[2*leny:3*leny] = col_poly[leny:2*leny]-col_poly[2*leny:3*leny] return col_poly def _radau_F(self, Z, t, y): Z1 = Z[:self._leny] Z2 = Z[self._leny:2*self._leny] Z3 = Z[2*self._leny:3*self._leny] self.f(self.Y1,t+self.C[0]*self.h, y+Z1) self.f(self.Y2,t+self.C[1]*self.h, y+Z2) self.f(self.Y3,t+self.C[2]*self.h, y+Z3) self.statistics["nfcns"] += 3 return N.hstack((N.hstack((self.Y1,self.Y2)),self.Y3)) def calc_start_values(self): """ Calculate newton starting values. """ if self._first: Z = N.zeros(self._leny*3) W = N.zeros(self._leny*3) else: Z = self._Z cq = self.C*self.h/self._oldh#self._oldoldh#self._oldh newtval = self._col_poly leny = self._leny Z[:leny] = cq[0,0]*(newtval[:leny]+(cq[0,0]-self.C[1,0]+1.)*(newtval[leny:2*leny]+(cq[0,0]-self.C[0,0]+1.)*newtval[2*leny:3*leny])) Z[leny:2*leny] = cq[1,0]*(newtval[:leny]+(cq[1,0]-self.C[1,0]+1.)*(newtval[leny:2*leny]+(cq[1,0]-self.C[0,0]+1.)*newtval[2*leny:3*leny])) Z[2*leny:3*leny]= cq[2,0]*(newtval[:leny]+(cq[2,0]-self.C[1,0]+1.)*(newtval[leny:2*leny]+(cq[2,0]-self.C[0,0]+1.)*newtval[2*leny:3*leny])) W =,Z) return Z, W def newton(self,t,y): """ The newton iteration. """ for k in range(20): self._curiter = 0 #Reset the iteration self._fac_con = max(self._fac_con, self._eps)**0.8; self._theta = abs(self.thet); if self._needjac: self._jac = self.jacobian(t,y) if self._needLU: self.statistics["nlus"] += 1 self._a = self._alpha/self.h self._b = self._beta/self.h self._g = self._gamma/self.h self._B = self._g*self.I - self._jac self._P1,self._L1,self._U1 = #LU decomposition self._P2,self._L2,self._U2 =*self.I-self._jac) self._P3,self._L3,self._U3 =*self.I-self._jac) self._needLU = False if min(abs(N.diag(self._U1)))<self._eps: raise Explicit_ODE_Exception('Error, gI-J is singular.') Z, W = self.calc_start_values() for i in range(self.newt): self._curiter += 1 #The current iteration self.statistics["nniters"] += 1 #Adding one iteration #Solve the system Z =,self._radau_F(Z.real,t,y)) Z[:self._leny] =Z[:self._leny] -self._g*,W[:self._leny]) Z[self._leny:2*self._leny] =Z[self._leny:2*self._leny] -self._a*,W[self._leny:2*self._leny]) #+self._b*,W[2*self._leny:3*self._leny]) Z[2*self._leny:3*self._leny]=Z[2*self._leny:3*self._leny]-self._b*,W[2*self._leny:3*self._leny]) #-self._a*,W[2*self._leny:3*self._leny]) Z[:self._leny] =N.linalg.solve(self._U1,N.linalg.solve(self._L1,N.linalg.solve(self._P1,Z[:self._leny]))) Z[self._leny:2*self._leny] =N.linalg.solve(self._U2,N.linalg.solve(self._L2,N.linalg.solve(self._P2,Z[self._leny:2*self._leny]))) Z[2*self._leny:3*self._leny]=N.linalg.solve(self._U3,N.linalg.solve(self._L3,N.linalg.solve(self._P3,Z[2*self._leny:3*self._leny]))) #---- newnrm = N.linalg.norm(Z.reshape(-1,self._leny)/self._scaling,'fro')/N.sqrt(3.*self._leny) if i > 0: thq = newnrm/oldnrm if i == 1: self._theta = thq else: self._theta = N.sqrt(thq*thqold) thqold = thq if self._theta < 0.99: #Convergence self._fac_con = self._theta/(1.-self._theta) dyth = self._fac_con*newnrm*self._theta**(self.newt-(i+1)-1)/self.fnewt if dyth >= 1.0: #Too slow convergence qnewt = max(1.e-4,min(20.,dyth)) self.h = 0.8*qnewt**(-1.0/(4.0+self.newt-(i+1)-1))*self.h self._itfail = True self._rejected = True break else: #Not convergence, abort self._itfail = True break oldnrm = max(newnrm,self._eps) #Store oldnorm W = W+Z #Perform the iteration Z =,W) #Calculate the new Z values if self._fac_con*newnrm <= self.fnewt: #Convergence? self._itfail = False; break else: #Iteration failed self._itfail = True if not self._itfail: #Newton iteration converged self._Z = Z.real break else: #Iteration failed self.log_message('Iteration failed at time %e with step-size %e'%(t,self.h),SCREAM) self.statistics["nnfails"] += 1 self._rejected = True #The step is rejected if self._theta >= 0.99: self.h = self.h/2.0 if self._curjac: self._needjac = False self._needLU = True else: self._needjac = True self._needLU = True else: raise Explicit_ODE_Exception('Newton iteration failed at time %e with step-size %e'%(t,self.h)) def adjust_stepsize(self, err, predict=False): fac = min(,*(2.*self.newt+1.)/(2.*self.newt+self._curiter)) quot = max(1./self.fac2,min(1./self.fac1,(err**0.25)/fac)) hnormal = self.h/quot if predict: if not self._first: facgus = (self._hacc/self.h)*(err**2/self._olderr)**0.25/ facgus = max(1./self.fac2,min(1./self.fac1,facgus)) quot = max(quot,facgus) h = self.h/quot else: h = hnormal self._hacc = self.h else: h = hnormal qt = h/self.h if (qt >= self.quot1) and (qt <= self.quot2): h = self.h if self._first and err>=1.0: h = self.h/10. if h < self._eps: raise Explicit_ODE_Exception('Step-size to small at %e with h = %e'%(self._tc,self.h)) if h > self.maxh: h = self.maxh return h def estimate_error(self): temp = 1./self.h*(self.E[0]*self._Z[:self._leny]+self.E[1]*self._Z[self._leny:2*self._leny]+self.E[2]*self._Z[2*self._leny:3*self._leny]) scal = self._scaling#/self.h err_v = N.linalg.solve(self._U1,N.linalg.solve(self._L1,N.linalg.solve(self._P1,self._f0+temp))) err = N.linalg.norm(err_v/scal) err = max(err/N.sqrt(self._leny),1.e-10) if (self._rejected or self._first) and err >= 1.: #If the step was rejected, use the more expensive error estimation self.statistics["nfcns"] += 1 err_new = N.array([0.0]*self._leny) self.f(err_new,self._tc,self._yc+err_v) err_v = N.linalg.solve(self._U1,N.linalg.solve(self._L1,N.linalg.solve(self._P1,err_new+temp))) err = N.linalg.norm(err_v/scal) err = max(err/N.sqrt(self._leny),1.e-10) return err def jacobian(self, t, y): """ Calculates the Jacobian, either by an approximation or by the user defined (jac specified in the problem class). """ self._curjac = True #The jacobian is up to date self._needLU = True #A new LU-decomposition is needed self._needjac = False #A new jacobian is not needed if self.usejac: #Retrieve the user-defined jacobian cjac = self.problem.jac(t,y) else: #Calculate a numeric jacobian delt = N.array([(self._eps*max(abs(yi),1.e-5))**0.5 for yi in y])*N.identity(self._leny) #Calculate a disturbance Fdelt = N.array([self.problem.rhs(t,y+e) for e in delt]) #Add the disturbance (row by row) grad = ((Fdelt-self.problem.rhs(t,y)).T/delt.diagonal()).T cjac = N.array(grad).T self.statistics["nfcnjacs"] += 1+self._leny #Add the number of function evaluations self.statistics["njacs"] += 1 #add the number of jacobian evaluation return cjac def interpolate(self, t, k=0): """ Calculates the continuous output from Radau5. """ leny = self._leny s = (t-self._newt)/self._oldh Z = self._col_poly yout = self._yc+s*(Z[:leny]+(s-self.C[1,0]+1.)*(Z[leny:2*leny]+(s-self.C[0,0]+1.)*Z[2*leny:3*leny])) return yout def _load_parameters(self): #Parameters A = N.zeros([3,3]) A[0,0] = (88.-7.*N.sqrt(6.))/360.0 A[0,1] = (296.-169.*N.sqrt(6.))/1800.0 A[0,2] = (-2.0+3.0*N.sqrt(6.))/225.0 A[1,0] = (296.0+169.0*N.sqrt(6.))/1800.0 A[1,1] = (88.+7.*N.sqrt(6.))/360.0 A[1,2] = (-2.-3.*N.sqrt(6.))/225.0 A[2,0] = (16.0-N.sqrt(6.))/36.0 A[2,1] = (16.0+N.sqrt(6.))/36.0 A[2,2] = (1.0/9.0) C = N.zeros([3,1]) C[0,0]=(4.0-N.sqrt(6.0))/10.0 C[1,0]=(4.0+N.sqrt(6.0))/10.0 C[2,0]=1.0 B = N.zeros([1,3]) B[0,0]=(16.0-N.sqrt(6.0))/36.0 B[0,1]=(16.0+N.sqrt(6.0))/36.0 B[0,2]=1.0/9.0 E = N.zeros(3) E[0] = -13.0-7.*N.sqrt(6.) E[1] = -13.0+7.0*N.sqrt(6.) E[2] = -1.0 E = 1.0/3.0*E Ainv = N.linalg.inv(A) [eig, T] = N.linalg.eig(Ainv) eig = N.array([eig[2],eig[0],eig[1]]) J = N.diag(eig) self._alpha = eig[1] self._beta = eig[2] self._gamma = eig[0].real temp0 = T[:,0].copy() temp1 = T[:,1].copy() temp2 = T[:,2].copy() T[:,0] = temp2 T[:,1] = temp0 T[:,2] = temp1 Tinv = N.linalg.inv(T) I = N.eye(self._leny) I3 = N.eye(3) T1 = N.kron(J,I) T2 = N.kron(Tinv,I) T3 = N.kron(T,I) self.A = A self.B = B self.C = C self.I = I self.E = E self.T1 = T1 self.T2 = T2 self.T3 = T3 self.I3 = I3 self.EIG = eig
[docs]class Radau5DAE(Radau_Common,Implicit_ODE): """ Radau IIA fifth-order three-stages with step-size control and continuous output. Based on the FORTRAN code RADAU5 by E.Hairer and G.Wanner, which can be found here: Details about the implementation (FORTRAN) can be found in the book,:: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II, Stiff and Differential-Algebraic Problems Authors: E. Hairer and G. Wanner Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 3-540-60452-9 """ def __init__(self, problem): """ Initiates the solver. Parameters:: problem - The problem to be solved. Should be an instance of the 'Explicit_Problem' class. """ Implicit_ODE.__init__(self, problem) #Calls the base class #Default values self.options["inith"] = 0.01 self.options["newt"] = 7 #Maximum number of newton iterations self.options["thet"] = 1.e-3 #Boundary for re-calculation of jac self.options["fnewt"] = 0.0 #Stopping critera for Newtons Method self.options["quot1"] = 1.0 #Parameters for changing step-size (lower bound) self.options["quot2"] = 1.2 #Parameters for changing step-size (upper bound) self.options["fac1"] = 0.2 #Parameters for step-size selection (lower bound) self.options["fac2"] = 8.0 #Parameters for step-size selection (upper bound) self.options["maxh"] = N.inf #Maximum step-size. self.options["safe"] = 0.9 #Safety factor self.options["atol"] = 1.0e-6*N.ones(self.problem_info["dim"]) #Absolute tolerance self.options["rtol"] = 1.0e-6 #Relative tolerance self.options["usejac"] = True if self.problem_info["jac_fcn"] else False self.options["maxsteps"] = 100000 #Solver support self.supports["report_continuously"] = True self.supports["interpolated_output"] = True self.supports["state_events"] = True self._leny = len(self.y) #Dimension of the problem self._type = '(implicit)' self._event_info = None def initialize(self): #Reset statistics self.statistics.reset() #for k in self.statistics.keys(): # self.statistics[k] = 0 def set_problem_data(self): if self.problem_info["state_events"]: if self.problem_info["type"] == 1: def event_func(t, y, yd): return self.problem.state_events(t, y, yd, self.sw) else: def event_func(t, y, yd): return self.problem.state_events(t, y, self.sw) def f(t, y): leny = self._leny ret = 0 res = self.problem.res(t, y[:leny], y[leny:2*leny], self.sw) return N.append(y[leny:2*leny],res), [ret] self._f = f self.event_func = event_func self._event_info = [0] * self.problem_info["dimRoot"] self.g_old = self.event_func(self.t, self.y, self.yd) else: def f(t, y): leny = self._leny ret = 0 res = self.problem.res(t, y[:leny], y[leny:2*leny]) return N.append(y[leny:2*leny],res), [ret] self._f = f def interpolate(self, time, k=0): y = N.empty(self._leny*2) for i in range(self._leny*2): y[i] = radau5.contr5(i+1, time, self.cont) if k == 0: return y[:self._leny] elif k == 1: return y[self._leny:2*self._leny] def _solout(self, nrsol, told, t, y, cont, lrc, irtrn): """ This method is called after every successful step taken by Radau5 """ self.cont = cont #Saved to be used by the interpolation function. yd = y[self._leny:2*self._leny].copy() y = y[:self._leny].copy() if self.problem_info["state_events"]: flag, t, y, yd = self.event_locator(told, t, y, yd) #Convert to Fortram indicator. if flag == ID_PY_EVENT: irtrn = -1 if self._opts["report_continuously"]: initialize_flag = self.report_solution(t, y, yd, self._opts) if initialize_flag: irtrn = -1 else: if self._opts["output_list"] is None: self._tlist.append(t) self._ylist.append(y) self._ydlist.append(yd) else: output_list = self._opts["output_list"] output_index = self._opts["output_index"] try: while output_list[output_index] <= t: self._tlist.append(output_list[output_index]) self._ylist.append(self.interpolate(output_list[output_index])) self._ydlist.append(self.interpolate(output_list[output_index], 1)) output_index += 1 except IndexError: pass self._opts["output_index"] = output_index if self.problem_info["state_events"] and flag == ID_PY_EVENT and len(self._tlist) > 0 and self._tlist[-1] != t: self._tlist.append(t) self._ylist.append(y) self._ydlist.append(yd) return irtrn def _mas_f(self, am): #return N.array([[1]*self._leny+[0]*self._leny]) return self._mass_matrix def integrate(self, t, y, yd, tf, opts): if self.usejac: self.usejac=False self.log_message("Jacobians are not currently supported, disabling.",NORMAL) ITOL = 1 #Both atol and rtol are vectors IJAC = 1 if self.usejac else 0 #Switch for the jacobian, 0==NO JACOBIAN MLJAC = self.problem_info["dim"]*2 #The jacobian is full MUJAC = 0 #self.problem_info["dim"] #See MLJAC IMAS = 1 #The mass matrix is supplied MLMAS = 0 #The mass matrix is only defined on the diagonal MUMAS = 0 #The mass matrix is only defined on the diagonal IOUT = 1 #solout is called after every step WORK = N.array([0.0]*(5*((self.problem_info["dim"]*2)**2+12)+20)) #Work (double) vector IWORK = N.array([0]*(3*(self.problem_info["dim"]*2)+20)) #Work (integer) vector #Setting work options WORK[1] = WORK[2] = self.thet WORK[3] = self.fnewt WORK[4] = self.quot1 WORK[5] = self.quot2 WORK[6] = self.maxh WORK[7] = self.fac1 WORK[8] = self.fac2 #Setting iwork options IWORK[1] = self.maxsteps IWORK[2] = self.newt IWORK[4] = self._leny #Number of index 1 variables IWORK[5] = self._leny #Number of index 2 variables IWORK[8] = self._leny #M1 IWORK[9] = self._leny #M2 #Dummy methods mas_dummy = lambda t:x jac_dummy = (lambda t:x) if not self.usejac else self.problem.jac #Check for initialization if opts["initialize"]: self.set_problem_data() self._tlist = [] self._ylist = [] self._ydlist = [] #Store the opts self._opts = opts #Create y = [y, yd] y = N.append(y,yd) #Create mass matrix #self._mass_matrix = N.array([[1]*self._leny+[0]*self._leny]) self._mass_matrix = N.array([[0]*self._leny]) atol = N.append(self.atol, self.atol) t, y, h, iwork, flag = radau5.radau5(self._f, t, y.copy(), tf, self.inith, self.rtol*N.ones(self.problem_info["dim"]*2), atol, ITOL, jac_dummy, IJAC, MLJAC, MUJAC, self._mas_f, IMAS, MLMAS, MUMAS, self._solout, IOUT, WORK, IWORK) #Checking return if flag == 1: flag = ID_PY_COMPLETE elif flag == 2: flag = ID_PY_EVENT else: raise Radau5Error(flag, t) #Retrieving statistics self.statistics["nsteps"] += iwork[16] self.statistics["nfcns"] += iwork[13] self.statistics["njacs"] += iwork[14] self.statistics["nfcnjacs"] += (iwork[14]*self.problem_info["dim"] if not self.usejac else 0) #self.statistics["nstepstotal"] += iwork[15] self.statistics["nerrfails"] += iwork[17] self.statistics["nlus"] += iwork[18] return flag, self._tlist, self._ylist, self._ydlist def state_event_info(self): return self._event_info def set_event_info(self, event_info): self._event_info = event_info
[docs] def print_statistics(self, verbose=NORMAL): """ Prints the run-time statistics for the problem. """ Implicit_ODE.print_statistics(self, verbose) #Calls the base class self.log_message('\nSolver options:\n', verbose) self.log_message(' Solver : Radau5 ' + self._type, verbose) self.log_message(' Tolerances (absolute) : ' + str(self._compact_atol()), verbose) self.log_message(' Tolerances (relative) : ' + str(self.options["rtol"]), verbose) self.log_message('', verbose)
class _Radau5DAE(Radau_Common,Implicit_ODE): """ Radau IIA fifth-order three-stages with step-size control and continuous output. Based on the FORTRAN code by E.Hairer and G.Wanner, which can be found here: Details about the implementation (FORTRAN) can be found in the book,:: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II, Stiff and Differential-Algebraic Problems Authors: E. Hairer and G. Wanner Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 3-540-60452-9 This code is aimed at providing a Python implementation of the original code. """ def __init__(self, problem): """ Initiates the solver. Parameters:: problem - The problem to be solved. Should be an instance of the 'Implicit_Problem' class. """ Implicit_ODE.__init__(self, problem) #Calls the base class #Internal values self._leny = len(self.y) #Dimension of the problem self._2leny = 2*self._leny #Default values self.options["inith"] = 0.01 self.options["newt"] = 7 #Maximum number of newton iterations self.options["thet"] = 1.e-3 #Boundary for re-calculation of jac self.options["fnewt"] = 0 #Stopping critera for Newtons Method self.options["quot1"] = 1.0 #Parameters for changing step-size (lower bound) self.options["quot2"] = 1.2 #Parameters for changing step-size (upper bound) self.options["fac1"] = 0.2 #Parameters for step-size selection (lower bound) self.options["fac2"] = 8.0 #Parameters for step-size selection (upper bound) self.options["maxh"] = N.inf #Maximum step-size. self.options["safe"] = 0.9 #Safety factor self.options["atol"] = N.array([1.0e-6]*self._leny) #Absolute tolerance self.options["rtol"] = 1.0e-6 #Relative tolerance self.options["index"] = N.array([1]*self._leny+[2]*self._leny) self.options["usejac"] = True if self.problem_info["jac_fcn"] else False self.options["maxsteps"] = 10000 #Internal values self._curjac = False #Current jacobian? self._itfail = False #Iteration failed? self._needjac = True #Need to update the jacobian? self._needLU = True #Need new LU-factorisation? self._first = True #First step? self._rejected = True #Is the last step rejected? self._oldh = 0.0 #Old stepsize self._olderr = 1.0 #Old error self._eps = N.finfo('double').eps self._col_poly = N.zeros(self._2leny*3) self._type = '(implicit)' self._curiter = 0 #Number of current iterations #RES-Function self.f = problem.res_internal self.RES = N.array([0.0]*len(self.y0)) #Internal temporary result vector self.Y1 = N.array([0.0]*len(self.y0)) self.Y2 = N.array([0.0]*len(self.y0)) self.Y3 = N.array([0.0]*len(self.y0)) self._f0 = N.array([0.0]*len(self.y0)) #Solver support self.supports["one_step_mode"] = True self.supports["interpolated_output"] = True # - Retrieve the Radau5 parameters self._load_parameters() #Set the Radau5 parameters def _set_index(self, index): """ Sets the index of the variables in the problem which in turn determine the error estimations. Parameters:: index - A list of integers, indicating the index (1,2,3) of the variable. Example: Radau5.index = [2,1] """ if len(index) == self._2leny: ind = N.array(index) elif len(index) == self._leny: ind = N.array(index+(N.array(index)+1).tolist()) else: raise Implicit_ODE_Exception('Wrong number of variables in the index vector.') self.options["index"] = ind def _get_index(self): """ Sets the index of the variables in the problem which in turn determine the error estimations. Parameters:: index - A list of integers, indicating the index (1,2,3) of the variable. Example: Radau5.index = [2,1] """ return self.options["index"] index = property(_get_index,_set_index) def initialize(self): #Reset statistics self.statistics.reset() def step_generator(self, t, y, yd, tf, opts): if opts["initialize"]: self._oldh = self.inith self.h = self.inith self._fac_con = 1.0 if self.fnewt == 0: self.fnewt = max(10.*self._eps/self.rtol,min(0.03,self.rtol**0.5)) self._f0 = self._ode_f(t,N.append(y,yd)) self.statistics["nfcns"] +=1 self._tc = t self._yc = y self._ydc = yd for i in range(self.maxsteps): if t < tf: t, y, yd = self._step(t, y, yd) self._tc = t self._yc = y self._ydc = yd if self.h > N.abs(tf-t): self.h = N.abs(tf-t) if t < tf: yield ID_PY_OK, t,y,yd else: yield ID_PY_COMPLETE, t, y, yd break self._first = False else: raise Implicit_ODE_Exception('Final time not reached within maximum number of steps') def step(self, t, y, yd, tf, opts): if opts["initialize"]: self._next_step = self.step_generator(t,y,yd,tf,opts) return next(self._next_step) def integrate(self, t, y, yd, tf, opts): if opts["output_list"] is not None: output_list = opts["output_list"] output_index = opts["output_index"] next_step = self.step_generator(t,y,yd,tf,opts) tlist,ylist,ydlist = [], [], [] res = [ID_PY_OK] while res[0] != ID_PY_COMPLETE: res = next(next_step) try: while output_list[output_index] <= res[1]: tlist.append(output_list[output_index]) ylist.append(self.interpolate(output_list[output_index])) ydlist.append(self.interpolate(output_list[output_index],k=1)) output_index = output_index+1 except IndexError: pass return res[0], tlist, ylist, ydlist else: [flags, tlist, ylist, ydlist] = list(zip(*list(self.step_generator(t, y, yd, tf,opts)))) return flags[-1], tlist, ylist, ydlist def _ode_f(self, t, y): #self.res_fcn(t,y[:self._leny],y[self._leny:]) #return N.hstack((y[self._leny:],self.res_fcn(t,y[:self._leny],y[self._leny:]))) self.f(self.RES,t,y[:self._leny],y[self._leny:]) return N.hstack((y[self._leny:],self.RES)) def _radau_F(self, Z, t, y, yd): Z1 = Z[:self._2leny] Z2 = Z[self._2leny:2*self._2leny] Z3 = Z[2*self._2leny:3*self._2leny] q = N.append(y,yd) sol1 = self._ode_f(t+self.C[0]*self.h, q+Z1) sol2 = self._ode_f(t+self.C[1]*self.h, q+Z2) sol3 = self._ode_f(t+self.C[2]*self.h, q+Z3) self.statistics["nfcns"] += 3 return N.hstack((N.hstack((sol1,sol2)),sol3)) def _step(self, t, y, yd): """ This calculates the next step in the integration. """ self._scaling = N.array(abs(N.append(y,yd))*self.rtol + self.atol.tolist()*2) #The scaling used. while True: #Loop for integrating one step. self.newton(t,y,yd) self._err = self.estimate_error() if self._err > 1.0: #Step was rejected. self._rejected = True self.statistics["nerrfails"] += 1 ho = self.h self.h = self.adjust_stepsize(self._err) self.log_message('Rejecting step at ' + str(t) + 'with old stepsize' + str(ho) + 'and new ' + str(self.h) + '. Error: ' + str(self._err),SCREAM) if self._curjac or self._curiter == 1: self._needjac = False self._needLU = True else: self._needjac = True self._needLU = True else: self.log_message("Accepting step at " + str(t) + ' with stepsize ' + str(self.h) + '. Error: ' + str(self._err),SCREAM) self.statistics["nsteps"] += 1 tn = t+self.h #Preform the step yn = y+self._Z[2*self._2leny:3*self._2leny][:self._leny] ydn = yd+self._Z[2*self._2leny:3*self._2leny][self._leny:] self._f0 = self._ode_f(t,N.append(yn,ydn)) self.statistics["nfcns"] += 1 self._oldoldh = self._oldh #Store the old(old) step-size for use in the test below. self._oldh = self.h #Store the old step-size self._oldt = t #Store the old time-point self._newt = tn #Store the new time-point #Adjust the new step-size ht = self.adjust_stepsize(self._err, predict=True) self.h = min(self.h,ht) if self._rejected else ht self._rejected = False self._curjac = False if self._oldoldh == self.h and (self._theta <= self.thet or self._curiter==1): self._needjac = False self._needLU = False else: if self._theta <= self.thet or self._curiter == 1: self._needjac = False self._needLU = True else: self._needjac = True self._needLU = True if self.thet < 0: self._needjac = True self._needLU = True self._olderr = max(self._err,1.e-2) #Store the old error break self._col_poly = self._collocation_pol(self._Z, self._col_poly, self._2leny) #Calculate the new collocation polynomial return tn, yn, ydn #Return the step def newton(self,t,y,yd): """ The newton iteration. """ for k in range(20): self._curiter = 0 #Reset the iteration self._fac_con = max(self._fac_con, self._eps)**0.8; self._theta = abs(self.thet); if self._needjac: self._jac = self.jacobian(t,y,yd) if self._needLU: self.statistics["nlus"] += 1 self._a = self._alpha/self.h self._b = self._beta/self.h self._g = self._gamma/self.h self._B = self._g*self.M - self._jac self._P1,self._L1,self._U1 = #LU decomposition self._P2,self._L2,self._U2 =*self.M-self._jac) self._P3,self._L3,self._U3 =*self.M-self._jac) self._needLU = False if min(abs(N.diag(self._U1)))<self._eps: raise Implicit_ODE_Exception('Error, gM-J is singular at ',self._tc) Z, W = self.calc_start_values() for i in range(self.newt): self._curiter += 1 #The current iteration self.statistics["nniters"] += 1 #Adding one iteration #Solve the system Z =,self._radau_F(Z.real,t,y,yd)) Z[:self._2leny] =Z[:self._2leny] -self._g*,W[:self._2leny]) Z[self._2leny:2*self._2leny] =Z[self._2leny:2*self._2leny] -self._a*,W[self._2leny:2*self._2leny]) #+self._b*,W[2*self._leny:3*self._leny]) Z[2*self._2leny:3*self._2leny]=Z[2*self._2leny:3*self._2leny]-self._b*,W[2*self._2leny:3*self._2leny]) #-self._a*,W[2*self._leny:3*self._leny]) Z[:self._2leny] =N.linalg.solve(self._U1,N.linalg.solve(self._L1,N.linalg.solve(self._P1,Z[:self._2leny]))) Z[self._2leny:2*self._2leny] =N.linalg.solve(self._U2,N.linalg.solve(self._L2,N.linalg.solve(self._P2,Z[self._2leny:2*self._2leny]))) Z[2*self._2leny:3*self._2leny]=N.linalg.solve(self._U3,N.linalg.solve(self._L3,N.linalg.solve(self._P3,Z[2*self._2leny:3*self._2leny]))) #---- self._scaling = self._scaling/self.h**(self.index-1)#hfac newnrm = N.linalg.norm(Z.reshape(-1,self._2leny)/self._scaling,'fro')/N.sqrt(3.*self._2leny) if i > 0: thq = newnrm/oldnrm if i == 1: self._theta = thq else: self._theta = N.sqrt(thq*thqold) thqold = thq if self._theta < 0.99: #Convergence self._fac_con = self._theta/(1.-self._theta) dyth = self._fac_con*newnrm*self._theta**(self.newt-(i+1)-1)/self.fnewt if dyth >= 1.0: #Too slow convergence qnewt = max(1.e-4,min(20.,dyth)) self._hhfac = 0.8*qnewt**(-1.0/(4.0+self.newt-(i+1)-1)) self.h = self._hhfac*self.h self._itfail = True self._rejected = True break else: #Not convergence, abort self._itfail = True break oldnrm = max(newnrm,self._eps) #Store oldnorm W = W+Z #Perform the iteration Z =,W) #Calculate the new Z values if self._fac_con*newnrm <= self.fnewt: #Convergence? self._itfail = False; break else: #Iteration failed self._itfail = True if not self._itfail: #Newton iteration converged self._Z = Z.real break else: #Iteration failed self.log_message("Iteration failed at time %e with step-size %e"%(t,self.h),SCREAM) self.statistics["nnfails"] += 1 self._rejected = True #The step is rejected if self._theta >= 0.99: self._hhfac = 0.5 self.h = self.h*self._hhfac if self._curjac: self._needjac = False self._needLU = True else: self._needjac = True self._needLU = True else: raise Implicit_ODE_Exception('Newton iteration failed at time %e with step-size %e'%(t,self.h)) def estimate_error(self): temp = 1./self.h*(self.E[0]*self._Z[:self._2leny]+self.E[1]*self._Z[self._2leny:2*self._2leny]+self.E[2]*self._Z[2*self._2leny:3*self._2leny]) temp =,temp) self._scaling = self._scaling/self.h**(self.index-1)#hfac scal = self._scaling#/self.h err_v = N.linalg.solve(self._U1,N.linalg.solve(self._L1,N.linalg.solve(self._P1,self._f0+temp))) err = N.linalg.norm(err_v/scal) err = max(err/N.sqrt(self._2leny),1.e-10) if (self._rejected or self._first) and err >= 1.: #If the step was rejected, use the more expensive error estimation self.statistics["nfcns"] += 1 err_v = self._ode_f(self._tc,N.append(self._yc,self._ydc)+err_v) err_v = N.linalg.solve(self._U1,N.linalg.solve(self._L1,N.linalg.solve(self._P1,err_v+temp))) err = N.linalg.norm(err_v/scal) err = max(err/N.sqrt(self._2leny),1.e-10) return err def interpolate(self, t, k=0): """ Calculates the continuous output from Radau5. """ leny = self._2leny s = (t-self._newt)/self._oldh Z = self._col_poly diff = s*(Z[:leny]+(s-self.C[1,0]+1.)*(Z[leny:2*leny]+(s-self.C[0,0]+1.)*Z[2*leny:3*leny])) yout = self._yc + diff[:self._leny] ydout = self._ydc+ diff[self._leny:] if k==0: return yout elif k==1: return ydout else: raise Implicit_ODE_Exception('Unknown value of k. Should be either 0 or 1') def jacobian(self, t, y, yd): """ Calculates the Jacobian, either by an approximation or by the user defined (jac specified in the problem class). """ self._curjac = True #The jacobian is up to date self._needLU = True #A new LU-decomposition is needed self._needjac = False #A new jacobian is not needed q = N.append(y,yd) if self.usejac: #Retrieve the user-defined jacobian cjac = self.problem.jac(t,y,yd) else: #Calculate a numeric jacobian delt = N.array([(self._eps*max(abs(yi),1.e-5))**0.5 for yi in q])*N.identity(self._2leny) #Calculate a disturbance Fdelt = N.array([self._ode_f(t,q+e) for e in delt]) #Add the disturbance (row by row) grad = ((Fdelt-self._ode_f(t,q)).T/delt.diagonal()).T cjac = N.array(grad).T self.statistics["nfcnjacs"] += 1+self._2leny #Add the number of function evaluations self.statistics["njacs"] += 1 #add the number of jacobian evaluation return cjac def adjust_stepsize(self, err, predict=False): fac = min(,*(2.*self.newt+1.)/(2.*self.newt+self._curiter)) quot = max(1./self.fac2,min(1./self.fac1,(err**0.25)/fac)) hnormal = self.h/quot if predict: if not self._first: facgus = (self._hacc/self.h)*(err**2/self._olderr)**0.25/ facgus = max(1./self.fac2,min(1./self.fac1,facgus)) quot = max(quot,facgus) h = self.h/quot else: h = hnormal self._hacc = self.h else: h = hnormal qt = h/self.h if (qt >= self.quot1) and (qt <= self.quot2): h = self.h if h > self.maxh: h = self.maxh if self._first and err>=1.0: self._hhfac = 0.1 h = self.h*self._hhfac else: self._hhfac = h/self.h if h < self._eps: raise Implicit_ODE_Exception('Step-size to small at %e with h = %e'%(self._tc,self.h)) return h def _collocation_pol(self, Z, col_poly, leny): col_poly[2*leny:3*leny] = Z[:leny] / self.C[0,0] col_poly[leny:2*leny] = ( Z[:leny] - Z[leny:2*leny] ) / (self.C[0,0]-self.C[1,0]) col_poly[:leny] = ( Z[leny:2*leny] -Z[2*leny:3*leny] ) / (self.C[1,0]-1.) col_poly[2*leny:3*leny] = ( col_poly[leny:2*leny] - col_poly[2*leny:3*leny] ) / self.C[1,0] col_poly[leny:2*leny] = ( col_poly[leny:2*leny] - col_poly[:leny] ) / (self.C[0,0]-1.) col_poly[2*leny:3*leny] = col_poly[leny:2*leny]-col_poly[2*leny:3*leny] return col_poly def calc_start_values(self): """ Calculate newton starting values. """ if self._first: Z = N.zeros(self._2leny*3) W = N.zeros(self._2leny*3) else: Z = self._Z cq = self.C*self.h/self._oldh#self._oldoldh#self._oldh newtval = self._col_poly leny = self._2leny Z[:leny] = cq[0,0]*(newtval[:leny]+(cq[0,0]-self.C[1,0]+1.)*(newtval[leny:2*leny]+(cq[0,0]-self.C[0,0]+1.)*newtval[2*leny:3*leny])) Z[leny:2*leny] = cq[1,0]*(newtval[:leny]+(cq[1,0]-self.C[1,0]+1.)*(newtval[leny:2*leny]+(cq[1,0]-self.C[0,0]+1.)*newtval[2*leny:3*leny])) Z[2*leny:3*leny]= cq[2,0]*(newtval[:leny]+(cq[2,0]-self.C[1,0]+1.)*(newtval[leny:2*leny]+(cq[2,0]-self.C[0,0]+1.)*newtval[2*leny:3*leny])) W =,Z) return Z, W def _load_parameters(self): #Parameters A = N.zeros([3,3]) A[0,0] = (88.-7.*N.sqrt(6.))/360.0 A[0,1] = (296.-169.*N.sqrt(6.))/1800.0 A[0,2] = (-2.0+3.0*N.sqrt(6.))/225.0 A[1,0] = (296.0+169.0*N.sqrt(6.))/1800.0 A[1,1] = (88.+7.*N.sqrt(6.))/360.0 A[1,2] = (-2.-3.*N.sqrt(6.))/225.0 A[2,0] = (16.0-N.sqrt(6.))/36.0 A[2,1] = (16.0+N.sqrt(6.))/36.0 A[2,2] = (1.0/9.0) C = N.zeros([3,1]) C[0,0]=(4.0-N.sqrt(6.0))/10.0 C[1,0]=(4.0+N.sqrt(6.0))/10.0 C[2,0]=1.0 B = N.zeros([1,3]) B[0,0]=(16.0-N.sqrt(6.0))/36.0 B[0,1]=(16.0+N.sqrt(6.0))/36.0 B[0,2]=1.0/9.0 E = N.zeros(3) E[0] = -13.0-7.*N.sqrt(6.) E[1] = -13.0+7.0*N.sqrt(6.) E[2] = -1.0 E = 1.0/3.0*E M = N.array([[1.,0.],[0.,0.]]) Ainv = N.linalg.inv(A) [eig, T] = N.linalg.eig(Ainv) eig = N.array([eig[2],eig[0],eig[1]]) J = N.diag(eig) self._alpha = eig[1] self._beta = eig[2] self._gamma = eig[0].real temp0 = T[:,0].copy() temp1 = T[:,1].copy() temp2 = T[:,2].copy() T[:,0] = temp2 T[:,1] = temp0 T[:,2] = temp1 Tinv = N.linalg.inv(T) I = N.eye(self._2leny) M = N.kron(M,N.eye(self._leny)) I3 = N.eye(3) T1 = N.kron(J,M) T2 = N.kron(Tinv,I) T3 = N.kron(T,I) self.A = A self.B = B self.C = C self.I = I self.E = E self.M = M self.T1 = T1 self.T2 = T2 self.T3 = T3 self.I3 = I3 self.EIG = eig