The MuseumΒΆ

Assimulo includes an ODE solver museum. Integrators written in FORTRAN and C were developped at least since the mid-sixties. Many of those are hard to access others are only available as print-outs.

The harsch requirement that a useful numerical method must permit an efficient, robust, and reliable implementation has withered the beautiful flowers which bloomed on thousands of journal pages. [Stetter93]

Following this motto, the Assimulo Museum aims at showing these flowers at least in an herbarium.

At the moment the Assimulo Museum includes

  • DASP3 (scan)

wrapping is in preperation for

  • METAN1


Codes marked by (scan) are reconstructed from a scan and an OCR process. They are tested but still they might include bugs due to the reconstruction process.

All other codes are original and untouched.

[Stetter93]Hans Stetter In: Mathematics of Computation 1943-1993: A half-century of computational mathematics: Mathematics of Computations 50th Aniversary Symposium. August 9-13, 1993. Vancouver, Britisch-Columbia, CA.)