Source code for assimulo.solvers.odassl

#!/usr/bin/env python 
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2010 Modelon AB
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import numpy as np

from assimulo.ode import *
from import set_type_shape_array
from assimulo.implicit_ode import OverdeterminedDAE

from assimulo.exception import *

from assimulo.lib import odassl

realtype =np.float

class ODASSL_Exception(Exception):

class ODASSL_Common(object):
    def _set_atol(self,atol):
        self.options["atol"] = set_type_shape_array(atol) 
        if len(self.options["atol"]) == 1:
            self.options["atol"] = self.options["atol"]*np.ones(self._leny)
        elif len(self.options["atol"]) != self._leny:
            raise ODASSL_Exception("atol must be of length one or same as the dimension of the problem.")

    def _get_atol(self):
        Defines the absolute tolerance(s) that is to be used by the solver.
        Can be set differently for each variable.
                        - Default '1.0e-6'.
                        - Should be a positive float or a numpy vector
                          of floats.
                                atol = [1.0e-4, 1.0e-6]
        return self.options["atol"]
    def _set_rtol(self,rtol):
        self.options["rtol"] = set_type_shape_array(rtol) 
        if len(self.options["rtol"]) == 1:
            self.options["rtol"] = self.options["rtol"]*np.ones(self._leny)
        elif len(self.options["rtol"]) != self._leny:
            raise ODASSL_Exception("rtol must be of length one or same as the dimension of the problem.")    
    def _get_rtol(self):
        Defines the relative tolerance that is to be used by the solver.
                        - Default '1.0e-6'.
                        - Should be a positive float.
                                rtol = 1.0e-4
        return self.options["rtol"]
    def _set_initial_step(self, initstep):
            self.options["inith"] = float(initstep)
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            raise ODASSL_Exception('The initial step size must be an integer or float.')
    def _get_initial_step(self):
        This determines the initial step-size to be used in the integration.
                            - Default '0.01'.
                            - Should be float.
                                    inith = 0.001
        The quantity should be always positive. It will internally be multiplied
        by the sign(tout-t0) to account for the direction of integration.                        
        return self.options["inith"]
    inith = property(_get_initial_step,_set_initial_step)
    def _set_max_h(self,max_h):
            self.options["maxh"] = float(max_h)
        except (ValueError,TypeError):
            raise ODASSL_Exception('Maximal stepsize must be a (scalar) float.')
        if self.options["maxh"] < 0:
            raise ODASSL_Exception('Maximal stepsize must be a positiv (scalar) float.')
    def _get_max_h(self):
        Defines the maximal step-size that is to be used by the solver.
                        - Default: maxh=0.0 or None  ignores this option
                        - Should be a float.
                                maxh = 0.01
        return self.options["maxh"]
    def _set_maxord(self,maxord):
            self.options["maxord"] = int(maxord)
        except (ValueError,TypeError):
            raise ODASSL_Exception('Maximal order must be an integer.')
        if 0 < self.maxord < 6 :
            raise ODASSL_Exception('Maximal order must be a positive integer less than 6.')
    def _get_maxord(self):
        Defines the maximal order that is to be used by the solver.
                        - Default: maxord=0 or None  ignores this option
                        - Should be a float.
                                maxord = 4
        return self.options["maxord"]
    def _set_usejac(self, jac):
        self.options["usejac"] = bool(jac)
    def _get_usejac(self):
        This sets the option to use the user defined Jacobian. If a
        user provided jacobian is implemented into the problem the
        default setting is to use that Jacobian. If not, an
        approximation is used.
                        - True - use user defined Jacobian
                          False - use an approximation
                        Default:  False  
                        - Should be a Boolean.
                                usejac = False
        return self.options["usejac"]
    usejac = property(_get_usejac,_set_usejac)

[docs]class ODASSL(ODASSL_Common, OverdeterminedDAE): """ Modified version of DASSL for solving overdetermined systems of (singularily) implicit ODEs. The main difference to DASSL is in the corrector iteration part. :: ODASSL ad-ons : FUEHRER, CLAUS DEUTSCHE FORSCHUNGSANSTALT FUER LUFT- UND RAUMFAHRT (DLR) INST. DYNAMIC DER FLUGSYSTEME D-8031 WESSLING (F.R.G) Based on DASSL version dated to 900103 by:: DASSL-Author: PETZOLD, LINDA APPLIED MATHEMATICS DIVISION 8331 SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORIES LIVERMORE, CA. 94550 """ def __init__(self, problem): """ Initiates the solver. Parameters:: problem - The problem to be solved. Should be an instance of the 'Explicit_Problem' class. """ OverdeterminedDAE.__init__(self, problem) #Calls the base class #Default values self.options["inith"] = 0.0 self.options["maxh"] = 0.0 self.options["safe"] = 0.9 #Safety factor self.options["atol"] = 1.0e-6*np.ones(self.problem_info["dim"]) #Absolute tolerance self.options["rtol"] = 1.0e-6 #Relative tolerance self.options["usejac"] = True if self.problem_info["jac_fcn"] else False self.options["maxsteps"] = 5000 self.options["maxord"] = 0 #Solver support self.supports["report_continuously"] = True self.supports["interpolated_output"] = False self.supports["state_events"] = False #Internal self._leny = len(self.y) #Dimension of the problem def initialize(self): #Reset statistics self.statistics.reset() def integrate(self, t, y, yprime, tf, opts): ny = self.problem_info["dim"] neq = len(set_type_shape_array(self.problem.res(t,y,yprime))) #neq = self.problem_info["neq"] lrw = 40+8*ny + neq**2 + 3*neq rwork = np.zeros((lrw,)) liw = 22+neq iwork = np.zeros((liw,), jac_dummy = lambda t,x,xp: x info = np.zeros((15,), info[1] = 1 # Tolerances are vectors info[2] = normal_mode = 1 if opts["output_list"] is None or opts["report_continuously"] else 0 # intermediate output mode info[6] = 1 if self.options["maxh"] > 0.0 else 0 rwork[1] = self.options["maxh"] info[7] = 1 if self.options["inith"] > 0.0 else 0 rwork[2] = self.options["inith"] info[8] = 1 if self.options["maxord"] > 0 else 0 iwork[2] = self.options["maxord"] #info[11] will be set later (see Ticket #230) #iwork[0] = ML #iwork[1] = MU atol = self.options["atol"] rtol = set_type_shape_array(self.options["rtol"]) if len(rtol) == 1: rtol = rtol*np.ones(self._leny) if hasattr(self.problem, "algvar"): for i in range(ny): if self.problem.algvar[i] == 0: rtol[i]=1.e7 atol[i]=1.e7 tlist=[] ylist=[] ydlist=[] #Store the opts self._opts = opts #THIS IS NOT SUPPOSE TO BE NECCESSARY, BUT DUE TO A PROBLEM #REPORTED IN TICKET:244 THIS IS HOWEVER NECCESSARY AS A #WORKAROUND FOR NOW... def py_residual(t,y,yd): return self.problem.res(t,y,yd) callback_residual = py_residual #---- if opts["report_continuously"]: idid = 1 while idid==1: t,y,yprime,tf,info,idid,rwork,iwork = \ odassl.odassl(callback_residual,neq,ny,t,y,yprime, tf,info,rtol,atol,rwork,iwork,jac_dummy) initialize_flag = self.report_solution(t, y, yprime, opts) if initialize_flag: flag = ID_PY_EVENT break if idid==2 or idid==3: flag=ID_PY_COMPLETE elif idid < 0: raise ODASSL_Exception("ODASSL failed with flag IDID {IDID}".format(IDID=idid)) else: if normal_mode == 1: # intermediate output mode idid = 1 while idid==1: t,y,yprime,tf,info,idid,rwork,iwork = \ odassl.odassl(callback_residual,neq,ny,t,y,yprime, tf,info,rtol,atol,rwork,iwork,jac_dummy) tlist.append(t) ylist.append(y.copy()) ydlist.append(yprime.copy()) if idid==2 or idid==3: flag=ID_PY_COMPLETE elif idid < 0: raise ODASSL_Exception("ODASSL failed with flag IDID {IDID}".format(IDID=idid)) else: # mode with output_list output_list = opts["output_list"] for tout in output_list: t,y,yprime,tout,info,idid,rwork,iwork = \ odassl.odassl(callback_residual,neq,ny,t,y,yprime, \ tout,info,rtol,atol,rwork,iwork,jac_dummy) tlist.append(t) ylist.append(y.copy()) ydlist.append(yprime.copy()) if idid > 0 and t >= tf: flag=ID_PY_COMPLETE elif idid < 0: raise ODASSL_Exception("ODASSL failed with flag IDID {IDID}".format(IDID=idid)) #Retrieving statistics self.statistics["nsteps"] += iwork[10] self.statistics["nfcns"] += iwork[11] self.statistics["njacs"] += iwork[12] self.statistics["nerrfails"] += iwork[13] self.statistics["nnfails"] += iwork[14] return flag, tlist, ylist, ydlist
[docs] def print_statistics(self, verbose=NORMAL): """ Prints the run-time statistics for the problem. """ OverdeterminedDAE.print_statistics(self, verbose) #Calls the base class self.log_message('\nSolver options:\n', verbose) self.log_message(' Solver : ODASSL ', verbose) self.log_message(' Tolerances (absolute) : ' + str(self._compact_atol()), verbose) self.log_message(' Tolerances (relative) : ' + str(self.options["rtol"]), verbose) self.log_message('', verbose)