Source code for assimulo.solvers.glimda

#!/usr/bin/env python 
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2010 Modelon AB
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import numpy as N
import sys

from assimulo.exception import *
from assimulo.ode import *

from assimulo.implicit_ode import Implicit_ODE

    from assimulo.lib.glimda import glimda
except ImportError:
    sys.stderr.write("Could not find GLIMDA.\n")

[docs]class GLIMDA(Implicit_ODE): """ GLIMDA is a solver for nonlinear index-2 DAEs f(q'(t,x),x,t)=0. Details about the implementation (FORTRAN) can be found in the PhD dissertation:: General Linear Methods for Integrated Circuit Design Author: Steffen Voigtmann """ def __init__(self, problem): """ Initiates the solver. Parameters:: problem - The problem to be solved. Should be an instance of the 'Implicit_Problem' class. """ Implicit_ODE.__init__(self, problem) #Calls the base class #Default values self.options["inith"] = 0.01 self.options["newt"] = 5 #Maximum number of newton iterations self.options["maxord"] = 3 #Maximum order used self.options["minord"] = 1 #Minimum order used self.options["order"] = 0 #Variable order (0) or fixed order (1-3) self.options["maxsteps"] = 100000 #Maximum number of steps self.options["atol"] = 1.0e-6*N.ones(self.problem_info["dim"]) #Absolute tolerance self.options["rtol"] = 1.0e-6 #Relative tolerance self.options["maxh"] = N.inf #Maximum step-size. self.options["minh"] = N.finfo(N.double).eps #Minimum step-size self.options["maxretry"] = 15 #Maximum number of consecutive retries #Solver support self.supports["report_continuously"] = True self.supports["interpolated_output"] = False self.supports["state_events"] = False self._leny = len(self.y) #Dimension of the problem self._type = '(implicit)' def initialize(self): #Reset statistics self.statistics.reset() self._tlist = [] self._ylist = [] self._ydlist = [] def _get_print_level(self): """ Helper method to determine the print level of GLIMDA related to the verbosity setting. """ val = int(self.verbosity/10) #val (1-5) 1=SCREAM # 2=LOUD # 3=NORMAL # 4=WHISPER # 5=QUIET if val == 3 or val == 4: return 1 elif val == 5: return 0 elif val == 2: return 2 else: return 2 def _solout(self, fsol, tph, h, p, y,yd): """ tph = t+h h = stepsize p = order y = y """ if self._opts["report_continuously"]: self.report_solution(tph, y, yd, self._opts) else: self._tlist.append(tph) self._ylist.append(y.copy()) self._ydlist.append(yd.copy()) def integrate(self, t, y, yd, tf, opts): #F = f(y,x,t) #f(q'(x,t),x,t)=0 #Q = q(x,t) ITOL = 1 #Both atol and rtol are vectors INUMA = 1 #Evaluates A = df/dy numerically INUMD = 1 #Evaluates D = dq/dx numerically INUMB = 1 #Evaluates B = df/dx numerically IODE = 0 #Problem is a DAE (1 == ODE) IADCONST = 1 #The leading term (A,D) is constant #Options vectors IOPT = N.array([0]*9) #Integer options ROPT = N.array([0.0]*11) #Real options #Setting work options IOPT[0] = self._get_print_level() #Print level (default 2) IOPT[1] = self.newt #Newton iterations IOPT[2] = self.maxord #Maximum order used IOPT[3] = self.minord #Minimum order used IOPT[4] = 1 #The particular order 3 method to use IOPT[5] = self.order #Use variable order IOPT[6] = 5 #Number of steps to keep before changing order IOPT[7] = self.maxsteps #Maximum number of steps IOPT[8] = self.maxretry #Maximum number of convergence failures #Setting iwork options ROPT[0] = 0.1 #Controls the error in the Newton iterations ROPT[1] = 0.1 #Controls the error in the Newton updates abs(dx_err) < tolX ROPT[2] = 0.1 #Controls whether a step is accepted ROPT[3] = 0.1 #Controls how much the stepsize is adjusted after conv fail 0.1*h ROPT[4] = 2.0 #Controls how much the stepsize can be increased ROPT[5] = 0.5 #Controls how much the stepsize can be decreased ROPT[6] = tf-t if tf-t < self.maxh else self.maxh #Controls how much the stepsize can be used ROPT[7] = self.minh #Minimal stepsize ROPT[8] = 1e-3 #Theshold for the convergence rate ROPT[9] = 0.8 #Threshould for changing the convergence rate when changing the order downwards ROPT[10]= 0.0 #Minimum condition number #Dummy methods dfdy_dummy = lambda t:x #df/dy dfdx_dummy = lambda t:x #df/dx dqdx_dummy = lambda t:x #dq/dx qeval_dummy = lambda x,t:x #q(x,t) res_dummy = lambda yd,y,t:self.problem.res(t,y,yd) #Needed to correct the order of the arguments #Store the opts self._opts = opts yret, ydret, istats, flag = glimda(res_dummy, qeval_dummy, dfdy_dummy, dfdx_dummy,dqdx_dummy,t,tf,y.copy(),yd.copy(),self.inith, self.atol, self.rtol*N.ones(self.problem_info["dim"]),ITOL,INUMA,INUMD,INUMB, IODE, IADCONST, IOPT, ROPT, self._solout) #print self._tlist, self._ylist #Checking return if flag == 0: flag = ID_PY_COMPLETE else: err_mess = {-1:"Could not get method of order p", -2:"Too many steps, increase maxsteps.", -3:"Too many consecutive failures, increase ...", -4:"Stepsize too small, decrease minh", -7:"Could not compute the tolerances atol/rtol", -8:"Could not evaluate partial derivatives.", -9:"Could not evaluate q(x,t)."} raise Exception("GLIMDA failed with flag %d."%flag+" "+err_mess[flag]) #Retrieving statistics self.statistics["nsteps"] += istats[0] self.statistics["nfcns"] += istats[3] self.statistics["njacs"] += istats[4] self.statistics["nnfails"] += istats[2] self.statistics["nerrfails"] += istats[1] self.statistics["nlus"] += istats[5] return flag, self._tlist, self._ylist, self._ydlist
[docs] def print_statistics(self, verbose=NORMAL): """ Prints the run-time statistics for the problem. """ Implicit_ODE.print_statistics(self, verbose) #Calls the base class self.log_message('\nSolver options:\n', verbose) self.log_message(' Solver : GLIMDA ' + self._type, verbose) self.log_message(' Tolerances (absolute) : ' + str(self._compact_atol()), verbose) self.log_message(' Tolerances (relative) : ' + str(self.options["rtol"]), verbose) self.log_message('', verbose)
def _set_newt(self, newt): try: self.options["newt"] = int(newt) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise GLIMDA_Exception('The newt must be an integer or float.') if self.options["newt"] < 0: raise GLIMDA_Exception("Maximum number of Newton iterations must be positive.") def _get_newt(self): """ Maximum number of Newton iterations. Parameters:: newt - Default '7'. - Should be an integer. Example: newt = 10 """ return self.options["newt"] newt = property(_get_newt,_set_newt) def _set_maxord(self, maxord): try: self.options["maxord"] = int(maxord) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise GLIMDA_Exception('The maxord must be an integer or float.') if self.options["maxord"] < 1 or self.options["maxord"] > 3: raise GLIMDA_Exception('The maximum order must be between 1 and 3.') def _get_maxord(self): """ Maximum order to be used (1-3). Parameters:: maxord - Default '3'. - Should be an integer. Example: maxord = 2 """ return self.options["maxord"] maxord = property(_get_maxord,_set_maxord) def _set_minord(self, minord): try: self.options["minord"] = int(minord) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise GLIMDA_Exception('The minord must be an integer or float.') if self.options["minord"] < 1 or self.options["minord"] > 3: raise GLIMDA_Exception('The minimum order must be between 1 and 3.') def _get_minord(self): """ Minimum order to be used (1-3). Parameters:: minord - Default '1'. - Should be an integer. Example: maxord = 2 """ return self.options["minord"] minord = property(_get_minord,_set_minord) def _get_maxsteps(self): """ The maximum number of steps allowed to be taken to reach the final time. Parameters:: maxsteps - Default 100000 - Should be a positive integer """ return self.options["maxsteps"] def _set_maxsteps(self, max_steps): try: max_steps = int(max_steps) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise GLIMDA_Exception("Maximum number of steps must be a positive integer.") if max_steps < 0: raise GLIMDA_Exception("Maximum number of steps must be positive.") self.options["maxsteps"] = max_steps maxsteps = property(_get_maxsteps, _set_maxsteps) def _set_min_h(self,min_h): try: self.options["minh"] = float(min_h) except (ValueError,TypeError): raise GLIMDA_Exception('Minimum stepsize must be a (scalar) float.') if self.options["minh"] < 0: raise GLIMDA_Exception('Minimum stepsize must be a positiv (scalar) float.') def _get_min_h(self): """ Defines the minimum step-size that is to be used by the solver. Parameters:: maxh - Default machine precision. - Should be a float. Example: minh = 0.01 """ return self.options["minh"] minh=property(_get_min_h,_set_min_h) def _set_atol(self,atol): self.options["atol"] = N.array(atol,dtype=N.float) if len(N.array(atol,dtype=N.float).shape)>0 else N.array([atol],dtype=N.float) if len(self.options["atol"]) == 1: self.options["atol"] = self.options["atol"]*N.ones(self._leny) elif len(self.options["atol"]) != self._leny: raise GLIMDA_Exception("atol must be of length one or same as the dimension of the problem.") def _get_atol(self): """ Defines the absolute tolerance(s) that is to be used by the solver. Can be set differently for each variable. Parameters:: atol - Default '1.0e-6'. - Should be a positive float or a numpy vector of floats. Example: atol = [1.0e-4, 1.0e-6] """ return self.options["atol"] atol=property(_get_atol,_set_atol) def _set_rtol(self,rtol): try: self.options["rtol"] = float(rtol) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise GLIMDA_Exception('Relative tolerance must be a (scalar) float.') if self.options["rtol"] <= 0.0: raise GLIMDA_Exception('Relative tolerance must be a positive (scalar) float.') def _get_rtol(self): """ Defines the relative tolerance that is to be used by the solver. Parameters:: rtol - Default '1.0e-6'. - Should be a positive float. Example: rtol = 1.0e-4 """ return self.options["rtol"] rtol=property(_get_rtol,_set_rtol) def _set_order(self, order): try: self.options["order"] = int(order) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise GLIMDA_Exception('The order must be an integer or float.') if self.options["order"] < 0 or self.options["order"] > 3: raise GLIMDA_Exception('The order must be between 0 and 3.') def _get_order(self): """ Determines if GLIMDA should use a variable order method (0) or a fixed order method (1-3). Parameters:: order - Default '0'. - Should be an integer. Example: order = 2 """ return self.options["order"] order = property(_get_order,_set_order) def _set_max_h(self,max_h): try: self.options["maxh"] = float(max_h) except (ValueError,TypeError): raise GLIMDA_Exception('Maximal stepsize must be a (scalar) float.') if self.options["maxh"] < 0: raise GLIMDA_Exception('Maximal stepsize must be a positiv (scalar) float.') def _get_max_h(self): """ Defines the maximal step-size that is to be used by the solver. Parameters:: maxh - Default final time - current time. - Should be a float. Example: maxh = 0.01 """ return self.options["maxh"] maxh=property(_get_max_h,_set_max_h) def _set_maxretry(self, maxretry): try: self.options["maxretry"] = int(maxretry) except (ValueError,TypeError): raise GLIMDA_Exception('Maximum number of consecutive retries must be an Integer.') if self.options["maxretry"] < 0: raise GLIMDA_Exception('Maximum number of consecutive retries must be an positive Integer.') def _get_maxretry(self): """ Defines the maximum number of consecutive number of retries after a convergence failure. Parameters:: maxretry - Default '15' - Should be a Integer. Example: maxretry = 5 """ return self.options["maxretry"] maxretry = property(_get_maxretry, _set_maxretry) def _set_initial_step(self, initstep): try: self.options["inith"] = float(initstep) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise GLIMDA_Exception('The initial step must be an integer or float.') def _get_initial_step(self): """ This determines the initial step-size to be used in the integration. Parameters:: inith - Default '0.01'. - Should be float. Example: inith = 0.01 """ return self.options["inith"] inith = property(_get_initial_step,_set_initial_step)