Source code for assimulo.examples.kinsol_ors

#!/usr/bin/env python 
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2010 Modelon AB
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import numpy as N
import pylab as P
import scipy as S
import scipy.linalg as LIN
import as IO
import scipy.sparse as SPARSE
import scipy.sparse.linalg as LINSP
import nose
import os
from assimulo.solvers import KINSOL
from assimulo.problem import Algebraic_Problem
import warnings
import scipy.sparse

warnings.simplefilter("ignore", scipy.sparse.SparseEfficiencyWarning)

file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

[docs]def run_example(with_plots=True): r""" Example to demonstrate the use of the Sundials solver Kinsol with a user provided Jacobian and a preconditioner. The example is the 'Problem 4' taken from the book by Saad: Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems. on return: - :dfn:`alg_mod` problem instance - :dfn:`alg_solver` solver instance """ #Read the original matrix A_original = IO.mmread(os.path.join(file_path,"kinsol_ors_matrix.mtx")) #Scale the original matrix A = SPARSE.spdiags(1.0/A_original.diagonal(), 0, len(A_original.diagonal()), len(A_original.diagonal())) * A_original #Preconditioning by Symmetric Gauss Seidel if True: D = SPARSE.spdiags(A.diagonal(), 0, len(A_original.diagonal()), len(A_original.diagonal())) Dinv = SPARSE.spdiags(1.0/A.diagonal(), 0, len(A_original.diagonal()), len(A_original.diagonal())) E = -SPARSE.tril(A,k=-1) F = -SPARSE.triu(A,k=1) L = (D-E).dot(Dinv) U = D-F Prec = solvePrec = LINSP.factorized(Prec) #Create the RHS b =[0],1))) #Define the res def res(x): return,1))-b #The Jacobian def jac(x): return A.todense() #The Jacobian*Vector def jacv(x,v): return,1)) def prec_setup(u,f, uscale, fscale): pass def prec_solve(r): return solvePrec(r) y0 = S.rand(A.shape[0]) #Define an Assimulo problem alg_mod = Algebraic_Problem(res, y0=y0, jac=jac, jacv=jacv, name = 'ORS Example') alg_mod_prec = Algebraic_Problem(res, y0=y0, jac=jac, jacv=jacv, prec_solve=prec_solve, prec_setup=prec_setup, name = 'ORS Example (Preconditioned)') #Define the KINSOL solver alg_solver = KINSOL(alg_mod) alg_solver_prec = KINSOL(alg_mod_prec) #Sets the parameters def setup_param(solver): solver.linear_solver = "spgmr" solver.max_dim_krylov_subspace = 10 solver.ftol = LIN.norm(res(solver.y0))*1e-9 solver.max_iter = 300 solver.verbosity = 10 solver.globalization_strategy = "none" setup_param(alg_solver) setup_param(alg_solver_prec) #Solve orignal system y = alg_solver.solve() #Solve Preconditionined system y_prec = alg_solver_prec.solve() print("Error , in y: ", LIN.norm(y-N.ones(len(y)))) print("Error (preconditioned), in y: ", LIN.norm(y_prec-N.ones(len(y_prec)))) if with_plots: P.figure(4) P.semilogy(alg_solver.get_residual_norm_nonlinear_iterations(), label="Original") P.semilogy(alg_solver_prec.get_residual_norm_nonlinear_iterations(), label='Preconditioned') P.xlabel("Number of Iterations") P.ylabel("Residual Norm") P.title("Solution Progress") P.legend() P.grid() P.figure(5) P.plot(y, label="Original") P.plot(y_prec, label="Preconditioned") P.legend() P.grid() #Basic test for j in range(len(y)):[j], 1.0, 4) return [alg_mod, alg_mod_prec], [alg_solver, alg_solver_prec]
if __name__=='__main__': mod, solv = run_example()