assimulo.examples.mech_system_pendulum.run_example(index='ind1', with_plots=True, with_test=False)[source]

Final Run Statistics: Index = ind1 

 Number of steps                                 : 1534
 Number of function evaluations                  : 2045
 Number of Jacobian evaluations                  : 90
 Number of function eval. due to Jacobian eval.  : 450
 Number of error test failures                   : 38
 Number of nonlinear iterations                  : 2045
 Number of nonlinear convergence failures        : 0

Solver options:

 Solver                       : IDA (BDF)
 Maximal order                : 5
 Suppressed algebr. variables : True
 Tolerances (absolute)        : 1e-06
 Tolerances (relative)        : 1e-06

Simulation interval    : 0.0 - 10.0 seconds.
Elapsed simulation time: 0.149029016495 seconds.
Index = ind1  Residuals after the integration run

(array([  5.41145349e-09,  -1.42099586e-08,  -9.79440087e-07,
         5.30277024e-06,   5.42101086e-19]), 'Norm:  ', 5.392486101262697e-06)


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