Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python 
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2010 Modelon AB
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
Module for writing optimization and simulation results to file.
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
import array
import codecs
import re
import sys

import numpy as N
import numpy as np

from . import xmlparser
import pyfmi.fmi as fmi
import pyfmi.fmi_util as fmi_util
from . import python3_flag

SYS_LITTLE_ENDIAN = sys.byteorder == 'little'

[docs]class Trajectory: """ Class for storing a time series. """ def __init__(self,t,x): """ Constructor for the Trajectory class. Parameters:: t -- Abscissa of the trajectory. x -- The ordinate of the trajectory. """ self.t = t self.x = x
[docs]class ResultStorage: pass
[docs] def get_variable_data(self, key): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_variable(self, var): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_negated(self, var): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ResultHandler:
[docs] def simulation_start(self): """ This method is called before the simulation has started and after the initialization call for the FMU. """ pass
[docs] def initialize_complete(self): """ This method is called after the initialization method of the FMU has been been called. """ pass
[docs] def integration_point(self, solver=None): """ This method is called for each time-point for which result are to be stored as indicated by the "number of communcation points" provided to the simulation method. """ pass
[docs] def simulation_end(self): """ This method is called at the end of a simulation. """ pass
[docs] def set_options(self, options): """ Options are the options dictionary provided to the simulation method. """ pass
[docs] def get_result(self): """ Method for retrieving the result. This method should return a result of an instance of ResultStorage or of an instance of a subclass of ResultStorage. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ResultDymola: """ Base class for representation of a result file. """
[docs] def get_variable_index(self,name): """ Retrieve the index in the name vector of a given variable. Parameters:: name -- Name of variable. Returns:: In integer index. """ #Strip name of spaces, for instace a[2, 1] to a[2,1] name = name.replace(" ", "") try: #return return self.name_lookup[name] except KeyError as ex: #except ValueError as ex: #Variable was not found so check if it was a derivative variable #and check if there exists a variable with another naming #convention if self._check_if_derivative_variable(name): try: #First do a simple search for the other naming convention #return return self.name_lookup[self._convert_dx_name(name)] #except ValueError as ex: except KeyError as ex: return self._exhaustive_search_for_derivatives(name) else: raise VariableNotFoundError("Cannot find variable " + name + " in data file.")
def _check_if_derivative_variable(self, name): """ Check if a variable is a derivative variable or not. """ if name.startswith("der(") or name.split(".")[-1].startswith("der("): return True else: return False def _exhaustive_search_for_derivatives(self, name): """ Perform an exhaustive search for a derivative variable by first retrieving the underlying state and for each its alias check if there exists a derivative variable. """ #Find alias for name state = self._find_underlying_state(name) index = self.get_variable_index(state) alias_index = N.where(self.dataInfo[:,1]==self.dataInfo[index,1])[0] #Loop through all alias for ind in alias_index: #Get the trial name trial_name =[ind] #Create the derivative name der_trial_name = self._create_derivative_from_state(trial_name) try: #return return self.name_lookup[der_trial_name] #except ValueError as ex: except KeyError as ex: try: #return return self.name_lookup[self._convert_dx_name(der_trial_name)] except KeyError as ex: #except ValueError as ex: pass else: raise VariableNotFoundError("Cannot find variable " + name + " in data file.") def _find_underlying_state(self, name): """ Finds the underlying state of a derivative variable. der(PI.x) -> PI.x. """ spl = name.split(".") if spl[0].startswith("der("): spl[0] = spl[0][4:] #Remove der( spl[-1] = spl[-1][:-1] #Remove ) return ".".join(spl) elif spl[-1].startswith("der("): spl[-1] = spl[-1][4:] #Remove der( spl[-1] = spl[-1][:-1] #Remove ) return ".".join(spl) else: return name def _create_derivative_from_state(self, name): """ Create a derivative variable from a state by adding for instance to PI.x -> der(PI.x). """ return "der("+name+")" def _convert_dx_name(self, name): """ Internal method for converting the derivative variable into the "other" convention. A derivative variable can either be on the form PI.der(x) and der(PI.x). Returns the original name if the name was not a derivative name. """ spl = name.split(".") #Split name if spl[0].startswith("der("): #der(PI.x) spl[0] = spl[0][4:] #Remove der spl[-1] = "der("+spl[-1] #Add der return ".".join(spl) #PI.der(x) elif spl[-1].startswith("der("): #PI.der(x) spl[0] = "der("+spl[0] #Add der spl[-1] = spl[-1][4:] #Remove der return ".".join(spl) else: #Variable was not a derivative variable return name
[docs]class ResultCSVTextual: def __init__(self, filename, delimiter=";"): fid =,'r','utf-8') if delimiter == ";": name = fid.readline().strip().split(delimiter) elif delimiter == ",": name = [s[1:-1] for s in re.findall('".+?"', fid.readline().strip())] else: raise JIOError('Unsupported separator.') = name self.data_matrix = {} for i,n in enumerate(name): self.data_matrix[n] = i data = [] while True: row = fid.readline().strip().split(delimiter) if row[-1] == "" or row[-1] == "\n": break data.append([float(d) for d in row]) = N.array(data)
[docs] def get_variable_data(self,name): """ Retrieve the data sequence for a variable with a given name. Parameters:: name -- Name of the variable. Returns:: A Trajectory object containing the time vector and the data vector of the variable. """ if name == 'time': return Trajectory([:,0],[:,0]) else: return Trajectory([:,0],[:,self.data_matrix[name]])
[docs] def is_variable(self, name): return True
[docs] def is_negated(self, name): return False
[docs] def get_data_matrix(self): """ Returns the result matrix. Returns:: The result data matrix. """ return
[docs]class ResultWriter(): """ Base class for writing results to file. """
[docs] def write_header(): """ The header is intended to be used for writing general information about the model. This is intended to be called once. """ pass
[docs] def write_point(): """ This method does the writing of the actual result. """ pass
[docs] def write_finalize(): """ The finalize method can be used to for instance close the file. """ pass
[docs]class ResultWriterDymola(ResultWriter): """ Export an optimization or simulation result to file in Dymola's result file format. """ def __init__(self, model, format='txt'): """ Export an optimization or simulation result to file in Dymolas result file format. Parameters:: model -- A FMIModel object. format -- A text string equal either to 'txt' for textual format or 'mat' for binary Matlab format. Default: 'txt' Limitations:: Currently only textual format is supported. """ self.model = model if format!='txt': raise JIOError('The format is currently not supported.') #Internal values self._file_open = False self._npoints = 0
[docs] def write_header(self, file_name='', parameters=None): """ Opens the file and writes the header. This includes the information about the variables and a table determining the link between variables and data. Parameters:: file_name -- If no file name is given, the name of the model (as defined by FMUModel.get_identifier()) concatenated with the string '_result' is used. A file suffix equal to the format argument is then appended to the file name. Default: Empty string. """ if file_name=='': file_name=self.model.get_identifier() + '_result.txt' # Open file f =,'w','utf-8') self._file_open = True # Write header f.write('#1\n') f.write('char Aclass(3,11)\n') f.write('Atrajectory\n') f.write('1.1\n') f.write('\n') # all lists that we need for later vrefs_alias = [] vrefs_noalias = [] vrefs = [] names_alias = [] names_noalias = [] names = [] aliases_alias = [] aliases = [] descriptions_alias = [] descriptions = [] variabilities_alias = [] variabilities_noalias = [] variabilities = [] types_alias = [] types_noalias = [] types = [] for var in self.model.get_model_variables().values(): if not var.type == fmi.FMI_STRING and not var.type == fmi.FMI_ENUMERATION: if var.alias == fmi.FMI_NO_ALIAS: vrefs_noalias.append(var.value_reference) names_noalias.append( aliases.append(var.alias) descriptions.append(var.description) variabilities_noalias.append(var.variability) types_noalias.append(var.type) else: vrefs_alias.append(var.value_reference) names_alias.append( aliases_alias.append(var.alias) descriptions_alias.append(var.description) variabilities_alias.append(var.variability) types_alias.append(var.type) # need to save these no alias lists for later vrefs = vrefs_noalias[:] names = names_noalias[:] types = types_noalias[:] variabilities = variabilities_noalias[:] # merge lists vrefs.extend(vrefs_alias) names.extend(names_alias) aliases.extend(aliases_alias) descriptions.extend(descriptions_alias) variabilities.extend(variabilities_alias) types.extend(types_alias) # zip to list of tuples and sort - non alias variables are now # guaranteed to be first in list names_noalias = sorted(zip( tuple(vrefs_noalias), tuple(names_noalias)), key=itemgetter(0)) variabilities_noalias = sorted(zip( tuple(vrefs_noalias), tuple(variabilities_noalias)), key=itemgetter(0)) types_noalias = sorted(zip( tuple(vrefs_noalias), tuple(types_noalias)), key=itemgetter(0)) names = sorted(zip( tuple(vrefs), tuple(names)), key=itemgetter(0)) aliases = sorted(zip( tuple(vrefs), tuple(aliases)), key=itemgetter(0)) descriptions = sorted(zip( tuple(vrefs), tuple(descriptions)), key=itemgetter(0)) variabilities = sorted(zip( tuple(vrefs), tuple(variabilities)), key=itemgetter(0)) types = sorted(zip( tuple(vrefs), tuple(types)), key=itemgetter(0)) num_vars = len(names) names_sens = [] descs_sens = [] cont_vars = [] if parameters != None: vars = self.model.get_model_variables(type=0,include_alias=False,variability=3) for i in self.model.get_state_value_references(): for j in vars.keys(): if i == vars[j].value_reference: cont_vars.append(vars[j].name) if parameters != None: for j in range(len(parameters)): for i in range(len(self.model.continuous_states)): names_sens += ['d'+cont_vars[i]+'/d'+parameters[j]] descs_sens += ['Sensitivity of '+cont_vars[i]+' with respect to '+parameters[j]+'.'] # Find the maximum name and description length max_name_length = len('Time') max_desc_length = len('Time in [s]') for i in range(len(names)): name = names[i][1] desc = descriptions[i][1] if (len(name)>max_name_length): max_name_length = len(name) if (len(desc)>max_desc_length): max_desc_length = len(desc) for i in range(len(names_sens)): name = names_sens[i] desc = descs_sens[i] if (len(name)>max_name_length): max_name_length = len(name) if (len(desc)>max_desc_length): max_desc_length = len(desc) f.write('char name(%d,%d)\n' % (num_vars+len(names_sens)+1, max_name_length)) f.write('time\n') for name in names: f.write(name[1] +'\n') for name in names_sens: f.write(name + '\n') f.write('\n') # Write descriptions f.write('char description(%d,%d)\n' % (num_vars+len(names_sens) + 1, max_desc_length)) f.write('Time in [s]\n') # Loop over all variables, not only those with a description for desc in descriptions: f.write(desc[1] +'\n') for desc in descs_sens: f.write(desc + '\n') f.write('\n') # Write data meta information f.write('int dataInfo(%d,%d)\n' % (num_vars+len(names_sens) + 1, 4)) f.write('0 1 0 -1 # time\n') list_of_continuous_states = N.append(self.model._save_real_variables_val, self.model._save_int_variables_val) list_of_continuous_states = N.append(list_of_continuous_states, self.model._save_bool_variables_val).tolist() list_of_continuous_states = dict(zip(list_of_continuous_states, range(len(list_of_continuous_states)))) valueref_of_continuous_states = [] cnt_1 = 1 cnt_2 = 1 n_parameters = 0 datatable1 = False for i, name in enumerate(names): if aliases[i][1] == 0: # no alias if variabilities[i][1] == fmi.FMI_PARAMETER or \ variabilities[i][1] == fmi.FMI_CONSTANT: cnt_1 += 1 n_parameters += 1 f.write('1 %d 0 -1 # ' % cnt_1 + name[1]+'\n') datatable1 = True else: cnt_2 += 1 valueref_of_continuous_states.append( list_of_continuous_states[name[0]]) f.write('2 %d 0 -1 # ' % cnt_2 + name[1] +'\n') datatable1 = False elif aliases[i][1] == 1: # alias if datatable1: f.write('1 %d 0 -1 # ' % cnt_1 + name[1]+'\n') else: f.write('2 %d 0 -1 # ' % cnt_2 + name[1] +'\n') else: if datatable1: f.write('1 -%d 0 -1 # ' % cnt_1 + name[1]+'\n') else: f.write('2 -%d 0 -1 # ' % cnt_2 + name[1] +'\n') for i, name in enumerate(names_sens): cnt_2 += 1 f.write('2 %d 0 -1 # ' % cnt_2 + name +'\n') f.write('\n') # Write data # Write data set 1 f.write('float data_1(%d,%d)\n' % (2, n_parameters + 1)) f.write("%.14E" % self.model.time) str_text = '' # write constants and parameters for i, name in enumerate(names_noalias): if variabilities_noalias[i][1] == fmi.FMI_CONSTANT or \ variabilities_noalias[i][1] == fmi.FMI_PARAMETER: if types_noalias[i][1] == fmi.FMI_REAL: str_text = str_text + ( " %.14E" % (self.model.get_real([name[0]]))) elif types_noalias[i][1] == fmi.FMI_INTEGER: str_text = str_text + ( " %.14E" % (self.model.get_integer([name[0]]))) elif types_noalias[i][1] == fmi.FMI_BOOLEAN: str_text = str_text + ( " %.14E" % (float( self.model.get_boolean([name[0]])[0]))) f.write(str_text) f.write('\n') self._point_last_t = f.tell() f.write("%s" % ' '*28) f.write(str_text) f.write('\n\n') self._nvariables = len(valueref_of_continuous_states)+1 self._nvariables_sens = len(names_sens) f.write('float data_2(') self._point_npoints = f.tell() f.write(' '*(14+4+14)) f.write('\n') #f.write('%s,%d)\n' % (' '*14, self._nvariables)) self._file = f self._data_order = valueref_of_continuous_states
[docs] def write_point(self, data=None, parameter_data=[]): """ Writes the current status of the model to file. If the header has not been written previously it is written now. If data is specified it is written instead of the current status. Parameters:: data -- A one dimensional array of variable trajectory data. data should consist of information about the status in the order specified by FMUModel.save_time_point() Default: None """ f = self._file data_order = self._data_order #If data is none, store the current point from the model if data==None: #Retrieves the time-point [r,i,b] = self.model.save_time_point() data = N.append(N.append(N.append(self.model.time,r),i),b) #Write the point str_text = (" %.14E" % data[0]) for j in range(self._nvariables-1): str_text = str_text + (" %.14E" % (data[1+data_order[j]])) for j in range(len(parameter_data)): str_text = str_text + (" %.14E" % (parameter_data[j])) f.write(str_text+'\n') #Update number of points self._npoints+=1
[docs] def write_finalize(self): """ Finalize the writing by filling in the blanks in the created file. The blanks consists of the number of points and the final time (in data set 1). Also closes the file. """ #If open, finalize and close if self._file_open: f = self._file f.write('%.14E'%self.model.time) f.write('%d,%d)' % (self._npoints, self._nvariables+self._nvariables_sens)) #f.write('%d'%self._npoints),2) #Close the file f.write('\n') f.close() self._file_open = False
[docs]class ResultStorageMemory(ResultDymola): """ Class representing a simulation result that is kept in MEMORY. """ def __init__(self, model, data, vars_ref, vars): """ Load result from the ResultHandlerMemory Parameters:: model -- Instance of the FMUModel. data -- The simulation data. """ self.model = model self.vars = vars = [ for var in vars.values()] = {} self.data_matrix = data #time real integer boolean real_val_ref = vars_ref[0] integer_val_ref = vars_ref[1] boolean_val_ref = vars_ref[2] self.time = data[:,0] for i,ref in enumerate(real_val_ref+integer_val_ref+boolean_val_ref):[ref] = data[:,i+1]
[docs] def get_variable_data(self,name): """ Retrieve the data sequence for a variable with a given name. Parameters:: name -- Name of the variable. Returns:: A Trajectory object containing the time vector and the data vector of the variable. """ if name == 'time': return Trajectory(self.time,self.time) else: try: var = self.vars[name] except KeyError as ex: raise VariableNotFoundError("Cannot find variable " + name + " in data file.") factor = -1 if var.alias == fmi.FMI_NEGATED_ALIAS else 1 if var.variability == fmi.FMI_CONSTANT or var.variability == fmi.FMI_PARAMETER: return Trajectory([self.time[0],self.time[-1]],N.array([self.model.get(name),self.model.get(name)]).ravel()) else: return Trajectory(self.time,factor*[var.value_reference])
[docs] def is_variable(self, name): """ Returns True if the given name corresponds to a time-varying variable. Parameters:: name -- Name of the variable/parameter/constant. Returns:: True if the variable is time-varying. """ if name == 'time': return True variability = self.vars[name].variability if variability == fmi.FMI_CONSTANT or variability == fmi.FMI_PARAMETER: return False else: return True
[docs] def is_negated(self, name): """ Returns True if the given name corresponds to a negated result vector. Parameters:: name -- Name of the variable/parameter/constant. Returns:: True if the result should be negated """ alias = self.vars[name].alias if alias == fmi.FMI_NEGATED_ALIAS: return True else: return False
[docs] def get_column(self, name): """ Returns the column number in the data matrix where the values of the variable are stored. Parameters:: name -- Name of the variable/parameter/constant. Returns:: The column number. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_data_matrix(self): """ Returns the result matrix. Returns:: The result data matrix. """ return self.data_matrix
[docs]class ResultDymolaTextual(ResultDymola): """ Class representing a simulation or optimization result loaded from a Dymola binary file. """ def __init__(self,fname): """ Load a result file written on Dymola textual format. Parameters:: fname -- Name of file. """ fid =,'r','utf-8') result = []; # Read Aclass section nLines = self._find_phrase(fid, 'char Aclass') nLines = int(nLines[0]) Aclass = [fid.readline().strip() for i in range(nLines)] #Aclass = [] #for i in range(0,nLines): # Aclass.append(fid.readline().strip()) self.Aclass = Aclass # Read name section nLines = self._find_phrase(fid, 'char name') nLines = int(nLines[0]) name = [fid.readline().strip().replace(" ","") for i in range(nLines)] #name = [] #for i in range(0,nLines): # name.append(fid.readline().strip().replace(" ","")) = name self.name_lookup = {key:ind for ind,key in enumerate(} # Read description section nLines = self._find_phrase(fid, 'char description') nLines = int(nLines[0]) description = [fid.readline().strip() for i in range(nLines)] #description = [] #for i in range(0,nLines): # description.append(fid.readline().strip()) self.description = description # Read dataInfo section nLines = self._find_phrase(fid, 'int dataInfo') nCols = nLines[2].partition(')') nLines = int(nLines[0]) nCols = int(nCols[0]) if python3_flag: dataInfo = [list(map(int,fid.readline().split()[0:nCols])) for i in range(nLines)] else: dataInfo = [map(int,fid.readline().split()[0:nCols]) for i in range(nLines)] self.dataInfo = N.array(dataInfo) # Find out how many data matrices there are nData = max(self.dataInfo[:,0]) = [] for i in range(0,nData): l = fid.readline() tmp = l.partition(' ') while tmp[0]!='float' and tmp[0]!='double' and l!='': l = fid.readline() tmp = l. partition(' ') if l=='': raise JIOError('The result does not seem to be of a supported format.') tmp = tmp[2].partition('(') nLines = tmp[2].partition(',') nCols = nLines[2].partition(')') nLines = int(nLines[0]) nCols = int(nCols[0]) data = [] for i in range(0,nLines): info = [] while len(info) < nCols and l != '': l = fid.readline() info.extend(l.split()) try: if python3_flag: data.append(list(map(float,info[0:nCols]))) else: data.append(map(float,info[0:nCols])) except ValueError: #Handle 1.#INF's and such if python3_flag: data.append(list(map(robust_float,info[0:nCols]))) else: data.append(map(robust_float,info[0:nCols])) if len(info) == 0 and i < nLines-1: raise JIOError("Inconsistent number of lines in the result data.") del(info) if len( == 0: raise JIOError('Could not find any variable data in the result file.') def _find_phrase(self,fid, phrase): l = fid.readline() tmp = l.partition('(') while tmp[0]!=phrase and l!='': l = fid.readline() tmp = l. partition('(') if l=='': raise JIOError("The result does not seem to be of a supported format.") return tmp[2].partition(',')
[docs] def get_variable_data(self,name): """ Retrieve the data sequence for a variable with a given name. Parameters:: name -- Name of the variable. Returns:: A Trajectory object containing the time vector and the data vector of the variable. """ if name == 'time' or name== 'Time': varInd = 0 else: varInd = self.get_variable_index(name) dataInd = self.dataInfo[varInd][1] factor = 1 if dataInd < 0: factor = -1 dataInd = -dataInd -1 else: dataInd = dataInd - 1 dataMat = self.dataInfo[varInd][0]-1 if dataMat < 0: # Take into account that the 'Time' variable has data matrix index 0 # and that 'time' is called 'Time' in Dymola results dataMat = 1 if len( > 1 else 0 return Trajectory([dataMat][:,0],factor*[dataMat][:,dataInd])
[docs] def is_variable(self, name): """ Returns True if the given name corresponds to a time-varying variable. Parameters:: name -- Name of the variable/parameter/constant Returns:: True if the variable is time-varying. """ if name == 'time' or name== 'Time': return True varInd = self.get_variable_index(name) dataMat = self.dataInfo[varInd][0]-1 if dataMat<0: dataMat = 0 if dataMat == 0: return False else: return True
[docs] def is_negated(self, name): """ Returns True if the given name corresponds to a negated result vector. Parameters:: name -- Name of the variable/parameter/constant. Returns:: True if the result should be negated """ varInd = self.get_variable_index(name) dataInd = self.dataInfo[varInd][1] if dataInd<0: return True else: return False
[docs] def get_column(self, name): """ Returns the column number in the data matrix where the values of the variable are stored. Parameters:: name -- Name of the variable/parameter/constant. Returns:: The column number. """ if name == 'time' or name== 'Time': return 0 if not self.is_variable(name): raise VariableNotTimeVarying("Variable " + name + " is not time-varying.") varInd = self.get_variable_index(name) dataInd = self.dataInfo[varInd][1] factor = 1 if dataInd<0: factor = -1 dataInd = -dataInd -1 else: dataInd = dataInd - 1 return dataInd
[docs] def get_data_matrix(self): """ Returns the result matrix. Returns:: The result data matrix. """ return[1]
[docs] def shift_time(self,time_shift): """ Shift the time vector using a fixed offset. Parameters:: time_shift -- The time shift offset. """ for i in range(len( for j in range(N.shape([i])[0]):[i][j,0] =[i][j,0] + time_shift
[docs] def append(self, res): """ Append another simulation result. The time vector of the appended trajectories is shifted so that the appended trajectories appears after the original result trajectories. Parameters:: res -- A simulation result object of type DymolaResultTextual. """ n_points = N.size([1],0) time_shift =[1][-1,0][1] = N.vstack(([1],[1]))[1][n_points:,0] =[1][n_points:,0] + time_shift
[docs]class ResultDymolaBinary(ResultDymola): """ Class representing a simulation or optimization result loaded from a Dymola binary file. """ def __init__(self,fname): """ Load a result file written on Dymola binary format. Parameters:: fname -- Name of file. """ self._fname = fname self.raw =,chars_as_strings=False, variable_names=["name", "dataInfo", "data_1", "data_2"]) name = self.raw['name'] = ["".join(name[:,i]).rstrip() for i in range(name[0,:].size)] = fmi_util.convert_array_names_list_names(name) = fmi_util.convert_array_names_list_names_int(name.view(np.int32)) self.dataInfo = self.raw['dataInfo'].transpose() = [ # array.array( # 'u', # name[:,i].tolist()).tounicode().rstrip().replace(" ","") \ # for i in range(0,name[0,:].size)] self.name_lookup = {key:ind for ind,key in enumerate(} self._description = None def _get_description(self): if not self._description: = ["".join(name[:,i]).rstrip() for i in range(name[0,:].size)] description =,chars_as_strings=False, variable_names=["description"]) self._description = ["".join(description[:,i]).rstrip() for i in range(description[0,:].size)] #self._description = [ #array.array( # 'u', # description[:,i].tolist()).tounicode().rstrip() \ # for i in range(0,description[0,:].size)] return self._description description = property(_get_description, doc = """ Property for accessing the description vector. """)
[docs] def get_variable_data(self,name): """ Retrieve the data sequence for a variable with a given name. Parameters:: name -- Name of the variable. Returns:: A Trajectory object containing the time vector and the data vector of the variable. """ if name == 'time' or name== 'Time': varInd = 0; else: varInd = self.get_variable_index(name) dataInd = self.raw['dataInfo'][1][varInd] dataMat = self.raw['dataInfo'][0][varInd] factor = 1 if dataInd<0: factor = -1 dataInd = -dataInd -1 else: dataInd = dataInd - 1 if dataMat == 0: # Take into account that the 'Time' variable has data matrix index 0 # and that 'time' is called 'Time' in Dymola results dataMat = 2 if len(self.raw['data_2'])> 0 else 1 return Trajectory(self.raw['data_%d'%dataMat][0,:],factor*self.raw['data_%d'%dataMat][dataInd,:])
[docs] def is_variable(self, name): """ Returns True if the given name corresponds to a time-varying variable. Parameters:: name -- Name of the variable/parameter/constant. Returns:: True if the variable is time-varying. """ if name == 'time' or name== 'Time': return True varInd = self.get_variable_index(name) dataMat = self.raw['dataInfo'][0][varInd] if dataMat<1: dataMat = 1 if dataMat == 1: return False else: return True
[docs] def is_negated(self, name): """ Returns True if the given name corresponds to a negated result vector. Parameters:: name -- Name of the variable/parameter/constant. Returns:: True if the result should be negated """ varInd = self.get_variable_index(name) dataInd = self.raw['dataInfo'][1][varInd] if dataInd<0: return True else: return False
[docs] def get_column(self, name): """ Returns the column number in the data matrix where the values of the variable are stored. Parameters:: name -- Name of the variable/parameter/constant. Returns:: The column number. """ if name == 'time' or name== 'Time': return 0 if not self.is_variable(name): raise VariableNotTimeVarying("Variable " + name + " is not time-varying.") varInd = self.get_variable_index(name) dataInd = self.raw['dataInfo'][1][varInd] factor = 1 if dataInd<0: factor = -1 dataInd = -dataInd -1 else: dataInd = dataInd - 1 return dataInd
[docs] def get_data_matrix(self): """ Returns the result matrix. Returns:: The result data matrix. """ return self.raw['data_%d'%2]
[docs]class ResultHandlerMemory(ResultHandler): def __init__(self, model): self.model = model
[docs] def simulation_start(self): """ This method is called before the simulation has started and before the initialization of the model. """ model = self.model opts = self.options self.vars = model.get_model_variables(filter=opts["filter"]) #Store the continuous and discrete variables for result writing self.real_var_ref, self.int_var_ref, self.bool_var_ref = model.get_model_time_varying_value_references(filter=opts["filter"]) self.real_sol = [] self.int_sol = [] self.bool_sol = [] self.time_sol = [] self.param_sol= [] self.model = model
[docs] def initialize_complete(self): """ This method is called after the initialization method of the FMU has been been called. """ pass
[docs] def integration_point(self, solver = None): """ This method is called for each time-point for which result are to be stored as indicated by the "number of communcation points" provided to the simulation method. """ model = self.model #Retrieves the time-point self.time_sol += [model.time] self.real_sol += [model.get_real(self.real_var_ref)] self.int_sol += [model.get_integer(self.int_var_ref)] self.bool_sol += [model.get_boolean(self.bool_var_ref)] #Sets the parameters, if any if solver and self.options["sensitivities"]: self.param_sol += [N.array(solver.interpolate_sensitivity(model.time, 0)).flatten()]
[docs] def simulation_end(self): """ The finalize method can be used to for instance close the file. ANd this method is called after the simulation has completed. """ pass
[docs] def get_result(self): """ Method for retrieving the result. This method should return a result of an instance of ResultBase or of an instance of a subclass of ResultBase. """ t = N.array(self.time_sol) r = N.array(self.real_sol) data = N.c_[t,r] if len(self.int_sol) > 0 and len(self.int_sol[0]) > 0: i = N.array(self.int_sol) data = N.c_[data,i] if len(self.bool_sol) > 0 and len(self.bool_sol[0]) > 0: b = N.array(self.bool_sol) data = N.c_[data,b] return ResultStorageMemory(self.model, data, [self.real_var_ref,self.int_var_ref,self.bool_var_ref], self.vars)
[docs] def set_options(self, options): """ Options are the options dictionary provided to the simulation method. """ self.options = options
[docs]class ResultHandlerCSV(ResultHandler): def __init__(self, model, delimiter=";"): self.model = model self.delimiter = delimiter
[docs] def initialize_complete(self): pass
[docs] def simulation_start(self): """ Opens the file and writes the header. This includes the information about the variables and a table determining the link between variables and data. """ opts = self.options model = self.model #Internal values self.file_open = False self.nbr_points = 0 delimiter = self.delimiter self.file_name = opts["result_file_name"] try: self.parameters = opts["sensitivities"] except KeyError: self.parameters = None if self.file_name == "": self.file_name=self.model.get_identifier() + '_result.csv' vars = model.get_model_variables(filter=opts["filter"]) const_valref_real = [] const_name_real = [] const_alias_real = [] const_valref_int = [] const_name_int = [] const_alias_int = [] const_valref_bool = [] const_name_bool = [] const_alias_bool = [] cont_valref_real = [] cont_name_real = [] cont_alias_real = [] cont_valref_int = [] cont_name_int = [] cont_alias_int = [] cont_valref_bool = [] cont_name_bool = [] cont_alias_bool = [] for name in vars.keys(): var = vars[name] if var.type == fmi.FMI_REAL: if var.variability == fmi.FMI_CONSTANT or var.variability == fmi.FMI_PARAMETER: const_valref_real.append(var.value_reference) const_name_real.append( const_alias_real.append(-1 if var.alias == fmi.FMI_NEGATED_ALIAS else 1) else: cont_valref_real.append(var.value_reference) cont_name_real.append( cont_alias_real.append(-1 if var.alias == fmi.FMI_NEGATED_ALIAS else 1) elif var.type == fmi.FMI_INTEGER or var.type == fmi.FMI_ENUMERATION: if var.variability == fmi.FMI_CONSTANT or var.variability == fmi.FMI_PARAMETER: const_valref_int.append(var.value_reference) const_name_int.append( const_alias_int.append(-1 if var.alias == fmi.FMI_NEGATED_ALIAS else 1) else: cont_valref_int.append(var.value_reference) cont_name_int.append( cont_alias_int.append(-1 if var.alias == fmi.FMI_NEGATED_ALIAS else 1) elif var.type == fmi.FMI_BOOLEAN: if var.variability == fmi.FMI_CONSTANT or var.variability == fmi.FMI_PARAMETER: const_valref_bool.append(var.value_reference) const_name_bool.append( const_alias_bool.append(-1 if var.alias == fmi.FMI_NEGATED_ALIAS else 1) else: cont_valref_bool.append(var.value_reference) cont_name_bool.append( cont_alias_bool.append(-1 if var.alias == fmi.FMI_NEGATED_ALIAS else 1) # Open file f =,'w','utf-8') self.file_open = True if delimiter == ",": name_str = '"time"' for name in const_name_real+const_name_int+const_name_bool+cont_name_real+cont_name_int+cont_name_bool: name_str += delimiter+'"'+name+'"' else: name_str = "time" for name in const_name_real+const_name_int+const_name_bool+cont_name_real+cont_name_int+cont_name_bool: name_str += delimiter+name f.write(name_str+"\n") const_val_real = model.get_real(const_valref_real) const_val_int = model.get_integer(const_valref_int) const_val_bool = model.get_boolean(const_valref_bool) const_str = "" for i,val in enumerate(const_val_real): const_str += "%.14E"%(const_alias_real[i]*val)+delimiter for i,val in enumerate(const_val_int): const_str += "%.14E"%(const_alias_int[i]*val)+delimiter for i,val in enumerate(const_val_bool): const_str += "%.14E"%(const_alias_bool[i]*val)+delimiter #for val in N.append(const_val_real,N.append(const_val_int,const_val_boolean)): # const_str += "%.14E"%val+delimiter self.const_str = const_str self._file = f self.cont_valref_real = cont_valref_real self.cont_alias_real = N.array(cont_alias_real) self.cont_valref_int = cont_valref_int self.cont_alias_int = N.array(cont_alias_int) self.cont_valref_bool = cont_valref_bool self.cont_alias_bool = N.array(cont_alias_bool)
[docs] def integration_point(self, solver = None): """ Writes the current status of the model to file. If the header has not been written previously it is written now. If data is specified it is written instead of the current status. Parameters:: data -- A one dimensional array of variable trajectory data. data should consist of information about the status in the order specified by FMUModel.save_time_point() Default: None """ f = self._file model = self.model delimiter = self.delimiter #Retrieves the time-point t = model.time r = model.get_real(self.cont_valref_real)*self.cont_alias_real i = model.get_integer(self.cont_valref_int)*self.cont_alias_int b = model.get_boolean(self.cont_valref_bool)*self.cont_alias_bool data = N.append(N.append(r,i),b) cont_str = "" for val in data: cont_str += "%.14E%s"%(val,delimiter) f.write("%.14E%s"%(t,delimiter)) if len(cont_str) == 0: f.write(self.const_str[:-1]+"\n") else: f.write(self.const_str) f.write(cont_str[:-1]+"\n")
[docs] def simulation_end(self): """ Finalize the writing by filling in the blanks in the created file. The blanks consists of the number of points and the final time (in data set 1). Also closes the file. """ #If open, finalize and close if self.file_open: self._file.close() self.file_open = False
[docs] def get_result(self): """ Method for retrieving the result. This method should return a result of an instance of ResultBase or of an instance of a subclass of ResultBase. """ return ResultCSVTextual(self.file_name, self.delimiter)
[docs] def set_options(self, options): """ Options are the options dictionary provided to the simulation method. """ self.options = options
[docs]class ResultHandlerFile(ResultHandler): """ Export an optimization or simulation result to file in Dymola's result file format. """ def __init__(self, model): self.model = model
[docs] def initialize_complete(self): pass
[docs] def simulation_start(self): """ Opens the file and writes the header. This includes the information about the variables and a table determining the link between variables and data. """ opts = self.options model = self.model #Internal values self.file_open = False self.nbr_points = 0 self.file_name = opts["result_file_name"] try: self.parameters = opts["sensitivities"] except KeyError: self.parameters = None if self.file_name == "": self.file_name=self.model.get_identifier() + '_result.txt' #Store the continuous and discrete variables for result writing self.real_var_ref, self.int_var_ref, self.bool_var_ref = model.get_model_time_varying_value_references(filter=opts["filter"]) file_name = self.file_name parameters = self.parameters # Open file f =,'w','utf-8') self.file_open = True # Write header f.write('#1\n') f.write('char Aclass(3,11)\n') f.write('Atrajectory\n') f.write('1.1\n') f.write('\n') # all lists that we need for later vrefs_alias = [] vrefs_noalias = [] vrefs = [] names_alias = [] names_noalias = [] names = [] aliases_alias = [] aliases = [] descriptions_alias = [] descriptions = [] variabilities_alias = [] variabilities_noalias = [] variabilities = [] types_alias = [] types_noalias = [] types = [] for var in self.model.get_model_variables(filter=self.options["filter"]).values(): if not var.type == fmi.FMI_STRING: if var.alias == fmi.FMI_NO_ALIAS: vrefs_noalias.append(var.value_reference) names_noalias.append( aliases.append(var.alias) descriptions.append(var.description) variabilities_noalias.append(var.variability) types_noalias.append(var.type) else: vrefs_alias.append(var.value_reference) names_alias.append( aliases_alias.append(var.alias) descriptions_alias.append(var.description) variabilities_alias.append(var.variability) types_alias.append(var.type) # need to save these no alias lists for later vrefs = vrefs_noalias[:] names = names_noalias[:] types = types_noalias[:] variabilities = variabilities_noalias[:] # merge lists vrefs.extend(vrefs_alias) names.extend(names_alias) aliases.extend(aliases_alias) descriptions.extend(descriptions_alias) variabilities.extend(variabilities_alias) types.extend(types_alias) # zip to list of tuples and sort - non alias variables are now # guaranteed to be first in list names_noalias = sorted(zip( tuple(vrefs_noalias), tuple(names_noalias)), key=itemgetter(0)) variabilities_noalias = sorted(zip( tuple(vrefs_noalias), tuple(variabilities_noalias)), key=itemgetter(0)) types_noalias = sorted(zip( tuple(vrefs_noalias), tuple(types_noalias)), key=itemgetter(0)) names = sorted(zip( tuple(vrefs), tuple(names)), key=itemgetter(0)) aliases = sorted(zip( tuple(vrefs), tuple(aliases)), key=itemgetter(0)) descriptions = sorted(zip( tuple(vrefs), tuple(descriptions)), key=itemgetter(0)) variabilities = sorted(zip( tuple(vrefs), tuple(variabilities)), key=itemgetter(0)) types = sorted(zip( tuple(vrefs), tuple(types)), key=itemgetter(0)) num_vars = len(names) names_sens = [] descs_sens = [] cont_vars = [] if parameters != None: if isinstance(self.model, fmi.FMUModelME2): vars = self.model.get_model_variables(type=fmi.FMI2_REAL,include_alias=False,variability=fmi.FMI2_CONTINUOUS,filter=self.options["filter"]) if python3_flag: state_vars = [v.value_reference for i,v in self.model.get_states_list().items()] else: state_vars = [v.value_reference for i,v in self.model.get_states_list().iteritems()] else: vars = self.model.get_model_variables(type=fmi.FMI_REAL,include_alias=False,variability=fmi.FMI_CONTINUOUS,filter=self.options["filter"]) state_vars = self.model.get_state_value_references() for i in state_vars: for j in vars.keys(): if i == vars[j].value_reference: cont_vars.append(vars[j].name) for j in range(len(parameters)): for i in range(len(self.model.continuous_states)): names_sens += ['d'+cont_vars[i]+'/d'+parameters[j]] descs_sens += ['Sensitivity of '+cont_vars[i]+' with respect to '+parameters[j]+'.'] # Find the maximum name and description length max_name_length = len('Time') max_desc_length = len('Time in [s]') for i in range(len(names)): name = names[i][1] desc = descriptions[i][1] if (len(name)>max_name_length): max_name_length = len(name) if (len(desc)>max_desc_length): max_desc_length = len(desc) for i in range(len(names_sens)): name = names_sens[i] desc = descs_sens[i] if (len(name)>max_name_length): max_name_length = len(name) if (len(desc)>max_desc_length): max_desc_length = len(desc) f.write('char name(%d,%d)\n' % (num_vars+len(names_sens)+1, max_name_length)) f.write('time\n') for name in names: f.write(name[1] +'\n') for name in names_sens: f.write(name + '\n') f.write('\n') # Write descriptions f.write('char description(%d,%d)\n' % (num_vars+len(names_sens) + 1, max_desc_length)) f.write('Time in [s]\n') # Loop over all variables, not only those with a description for desc in descriptions: f.write(desc[1] +'\n') for desc in descs_sens: f.write(desc + '\n') f.write('\n') # Write data meta information f.write('int dataInfo(%d,%d)\n' % (num_vars+len(names_sens) + 1, 4)) f.write('0 1 0 -1 # time\n') lst_real_cont = dict(zip(self.real_var_ref,range(len(self.real_var_ref)))) lst_int_cont = dict(zip(self.int_var_ref,[len(self.real_var_ref)+x for x in range(len(self.int_var_ref))])) lst_bool_cont = dict(zip(self.bool_var_ref,[len(self.real_var_ref)+len(self.int_var_ref)+x for x in range(len(self.bool_var_ref))])) valueref_of_continuous_states = [] list_of_parameters = [] cnt_1 = 1 cnt_2 = 1 n_parameters = 0 datatable1 = False last_real_vref = -1; last_int_vref = -1; last_bool_vref = -1 for i, name in enumerate(names): update = False if (types[i][1] == fmi.FMI_REAL and last_real_vref != name[0]): last_real_vref = name[0] update = True if ((types[i][1] == fmi.FMI_INTEGER or types[i][1] == fmi.FMI_ENUMERATION) and last_int_vref != name[0]): last_int_vref = name[0] update = True if (types[i][1] == fmi.FMI_BOOLEAN and last_bool_vref != name[0]): last_bool_vref = name[0] update = True if update: if aliases[i][1] == 0: if variabilities[i][1] == fmi.FMI_PARAMETER or \ variabilities[i][1] == fmi.FMI_CONSTANT: cnt_1 += 1 n_parameters += 1 datatable1 = True list_of_parameters.append((types[i][0],types[i][1])) else: cnt_2 += 1 #valueref_of_continuous_states.append( # list_of_continuous_states[name[0]]) if types[i][1] == fmi.FMI_REAL: valueref_of_continuous_states.append(lst_real_cont[name[0]]) elif types[i][1] == fmi.FMI_INTEGER or types[i][1] == fmi.FMI_ENUMERATION: valueref_of_continuous_states.append(lst_int_cont[name[0]]) else: valueref_of_continuous_states.append(lst_bool_cont[name[0]]) datatable1 = False else: base_var = self.model.get_variable_alias_base(name[1]) variability = self.model.get_variable_variability(base_var) data_type = self.model.get_variable_data_type(base_var) if data_type != types[i][1]: raise Exception if variability == fmi.FMI_PARAMETER or \ variability == fmi.FMI_CONSTANT: cnt_1 += 1 n_parameters += 1 datatable1 = True list_of_parameters.append((types[i][0],types[i][1])) else: cnt_2 += 1 #valueref_of_continuous_states.append( # list_of_continuous_states[name[0]]) if types[i][1] == fmi.FMI_REAL: valueref_of_continuous_states.append(lst_real_cont[name[0]]) elif types[i][1] == fmi.FMI_INTEGER or types[i][1] == fmi.FMI_ENUMERATION: valueref_of_continuous_states.append(lst_int_cont[name[0]]) else: valueref_of_continuous_states.append(lst_bool_cont[name[0]]) datatable1 = False if aliases[i][1] == 0: # no alias #if variabilities[i][1] == fmi.FMI_PARAMETER or \ # variabilities[i][1] == fmi.FMI_CONSTANT: if datatable1: #cnt_1 += 1 #n_parameters += 1 f.write('1 %d 0 -1 # ' % cnt_1 + name[1]+'\n') #datatable1 = True else: #cnt_2 += 1 #valueref_of_continuous_states.append( # list_of_continuous_states[name[0]]) f.write('2 %d 0 -1 # ' % cnt_2 + name[1] +'\n') #datatable1 = False elif aliases[i][1] == 1: # alias if datatable1: f.write('1 %d 0 -1 # ' % cnt_1 + name[1]+'\n') else: f.write('2 %d 0 -1 # ' % cnt_2 + name[1] +'\n') else: if datatable1: f.write('1 -%d 0 -1 # ' % cnt_1 + name[1]+'\n') else: f.write('2 -%d 0 -1 # ' % cnt_2 + name[1] +'\n') for i, name in enumerate(names_sens): cnt_2 += 1 f.write('2 %d 0 -1 # ' % cnt_2 + name +'\n') f.write('\n') # Write data # Write data set 1 f.write('float data_1(%d,%d)\n' % (2, n_parameters + 1)) f.write("%.14E" % self.model.time) str_text = '' # write constants and parameters for i, dtype in enumerate(list_of_parameters): vref = dtype[0] if dtype[1] == fmi.FMI_REAL: str_text = str_text + ( " %.14E" % (self.model.get_real([vref]))) elif dtype[1] == fmi.FMI_INTEGER or dtype[1] == fmi.FMI_ENUMERATION: str_text = str_text + ( " %.14E" % (self.model.get_integer([vref]))) elif dtype[1] == fmi.FMI_BOOLEAN: str_text = str_text + ( " %.14E" % (float( self.model.get_boolean([vref])[0]))) f.write(str_text) f.write('\n') self._point_last_t = f.tell() f.write("%s" % ' '*28) f.write(str_text) f.write('\n\n') self._nvariables = len(valueref_of_continuous_states)+1 self._nvariables_sens = len(names_sens) f.write('float data_2(') self._point_npoints = f.tell() f.write(' '*(14+4+14)) f.write('\n') #f.write('%s,%d)\n' % (' '*14, self._nvariables)) self._file = f self._data_order = N.array(valueref_of_continuous_states) self.real_var_ref = N.array(self.real_var_ref) self.int_var_ref = N.array(self.int_var_ref) self.bool_var_ref = N.array(self.bool_var_ref)
[docs] def integration_point(self, solver = None):#parameter_data=[]): """ Writes the current status of the model to file. If the header has not been written previously it is written now. If data is specified it is written instead of the current status. Parameters:: data -- A one dimensional array of variable trajectory data. data should consist of information about the status in the order specified by FMUModel.save_time_point() Default: None """ f = self._file data_order = self._data_order model = self.model #Retrieves the time-point r = model.get_real(self.real_var_ref) i = model.get_integer(self.int_var_ref) b = model.get_boolean(self.bool_var_ref) data = N.append(N.append(r,i),b) #Write the point str_text = (" %.14E" % self.model.time) + ''.join([" %.14E" % (data[data_order[j]]) for j in range(self._nvariables-1)]) #Sets the parameters, if any if solver and self.options["sensitivities"]: parameter_data = N.array(solver.interpolate_sensitivity(model.time, 0)).flatten() for j in range(len(parameter_data)): str_text = str_text + (" %.14E" % (parameter_data[j])) f.write(str_text+'\n') #Update number of points self.nbr_points+=1
[docs] def simulation_end(self): """ Finalize the writing by filling in the blanks in the created file. The blanks consists of the number of points and the final time (in data set 1). Also closes the file. """ #If open, finalize and close if self.file_open: f = self._file f.write('%.14E'%self.model.time) f.write('%d,%d)' % (self.nbr_points, self._nvariables+self._nvariables_sens)) #f.write('%d'%self._npoints),2) #Close the file f.write('\n') f.close() self.file_open = False
[docs] def get_result(self): """ Method for retrieving the result. This method should return a result of an instance of ResultBase or of an instance of a subclass of ResultBase. """ return ResultDymolaTextual(self.file_name)
[docs] def set_options(self, options): """ Options are the options dictionary provided to the simulation method. """ self.options = options
[docs]class ResultHandlerDummy(ResultHandler): def __init__(self, model): self.model = model
[docs] def get_result(self): return None
[docs]class JIOError(Exception): """ Base class for exceptions specific to this module. """ def __init__(self, message): """ Create new error with a specific message. Parameters:: message -- The error message. """ self.message = message def __str__(self): """ Print error message when class instance is printed. Overrides the general-purpose special method such that a string representation of an instance of this class will be the error message. """ return self.message
[docs]class VariableNotFoundError(JIOError): """ Exception that is thrown when a variable is not found in a data file. """ pass
[docs]class VariableNotTimeVarying(JIOError): """ Exception that is thrown when a column is asked for a parameter/constant. """ pass
[docs]def robust_float(value): """ Function for robust handling of float values such as INF and NAN. """ try: return float(value) except ValueError: if value.startswith("1.#INF"): return float(N.inf) elif value.startswith("-1.#INF"): return float(-N.inf) elif value.startswith("1.#QNAN") or value.startswith("-1.#IND"): return float(N.nan) else: raise ValueError
mat4_template = {'header': [('type', 'i4'), ('mrows', 'i4'), ('ncols', 'i4'), ('imagf', 'i4'), ('namlen', 'i4')]}
[docs]class ResultHandlerBinaryFile(ResultHandler): """ Export an optimization or simulation result to file in Dymola's binary result file format (MATLAB v4 format). """ def __init__(self, model): self.model = model def _data_header(self, name, nbr_rows, nbr_cols, data_type): if data_type == "int": t = 10*2 elif data_type == "double": t = 10*0 elif data_type == "char": t = 10*5 + 1 header = np.empty((), mat4_template["header"]) header["type"] = (not SYS_LITTLE_ENDIAN) * 1000 + t header["mrows"] = nbr_rows header["ncols"] = nbr_cols header["imagf"] = 0 header["namlen"] = len(name) + 1 return header def _write_header(self, name, nbr_rows, nbr_cols, data_type): header = self._data_header(name, nbr_rows, nbr_cols, data_type) self._file.write(header.tostring(order="F")) self._file.write(np.compat.asbytes(name +"\0"))
[docs] def convert_char_array(self, data): data = np.array(data) dtype = data.dtype dims = [data.shape[0], int(data.dtype.str[2:])] data = np.ndarray(shape=(dims[0], int(dtype.str[2:])), dtype=dtype.str[:2]+"1", buffer=data) data[data == ""] = " " if dtype.kind == "U": tmp = np.ndarray(shape=(), dtype=(dtype.str[:2] + str(np.product(dims))), buffer=data) buf = tmp.item().encode('latin-1') data = np.ndarray(shape=dims, dtype="S1", buffer=buf) return data
[docs] def dump_data(self, data): self._file.write(data.tostring(order="F"))
[docs] def dump_native_data(self, data): self._file.write(data)
[docs] def initialize_complete(self): pass
[docs] def simulation_start(self): """ Opens the file and writes the header. This includes the information about the variables and a table determining the link between variables and data. """ opts = self.options model = self.model #Internal values self.file_open = False self.nbr_points = 0 self.file_name = opts["result_file_name"] try: self.parameters = opts["sensitivities"] except KeyError: self.parameters = False if self.parameters: raise fmi.FMUException("Storing sensitivity results are not supported using this format. Use the file format instead.") if self.file_name == "": self.file_name=self.model.get_identifier() + '_result.mat' file_name = self.file_name parameters = self.parameters self._file = open(file_name,'wb') aclass_data = ["Atrajectory", "1.1", " ", "binTrans"] aclass_data = self.convert_char_array(aclass_data) self._write_header("Aclass", aclass_data.shape[0], aclass_data.shape[1], "char") self.dump_data(aclass_data) # Open file vars_real = self.model.get_model_variables(type=fmi.FMI_REAL, filter=self.options["filter"], _as_list=True)#.values() vars_int = self.model.get_model_variables(type=fmi.FMI_INTEGER, filter=self.options["filter"], _as_list=True)#.values() vars_bool = self.model.get_model_variables(type=fmi.FMI_BOOLEAN, filter=self.options["filter"], _as_list=True)#.values() vars_enum = self.model.get_model_variables(type=fmi.FMI_ENUMERATION, filter=self.options["filter"], _as_list=True)#.values() sorted_vars_real = sorted(vars_real, key=attrgetter("value_reference")) sorted_vars_int = sorted(vars_int, key=attrgetter("value_reference")) sorted_vars_bool = sorted(vars_bool, key=attrgetter("value_reference")) sorted_vars_enum = sorted(vars_enum, key=attrgetter("value_reference")) sorted_vars = sorted_vars_real+sorted_vars_int+sorted_vars_enum+sorted_vars_bool self._sorted_vars = sorted_vars len_name_items = len(sorted_vars)+1 len_desc_items = len_name_items name_data = ["time"] + [ for var in sorted_vars] desc_data = ["Time in [s]"] + [var.description for var in sorted_vars] len_name_data, name_data = fmi_util.convert_str_list(name_data) len_desc_data, desc_data = fmi_util.convert_str_list(desc_data) self._write_header("name", len_name_data, len_name_items, "char") self.dump_native_data(name_data) self._write_header("description", len_desc_data, len_desc_items, "char") self.dump_native_data(desc_data) #Create the data info structure (and return parameters) data_info = np.zeros((4, len_name_items), dtype=np.int32) [parameter_data, sorted_vars_real_vref, sorted_vars_int_vref, sorted_vars_bool_vref] = fmi_util.prepare_data_info(data_info, sorted_vars, self.model) self._write_header("dataInfo", data_info.shape[0], data_info.shape[1], "int") self.dump_data(data_info) #Dump parameters to file self._write_header("data_1", len(parameter_data), 2, "double") self.dump_data(parameter_data) #Record the position so that we can later modify the end time self.data_1_header_position = self._file.tell() self.dump_data(parameter_data) #Record the position so that we can later modify the number of result points stored self.data_2_header_position = self._file.tell() self._write_header("data_2", len(sorted_vars_real_vref)+len(sorted_vars_int_vref)+len(sorted_vars_bool_vref)+1, 1, "double") self.real_var_ref = np.array(sorted_vars_real_vref) self.int_var_ref = np.array(sorted_vars_int_vref) self.bool_var_ref = np.array(sorted_vars_bool_vref) self.nbr_points = 0
[docs] def integration_point(self, solver = None): """ Writes the current status of the model to file. If the header has not been written previously it is written now. If data is specified it is written instead of the current status. Parameters:: data -- A one dimensional array of variable trajectory data. data should consist of information about the status in the order specified by FMUModel.save_time_point() Default: None """ f = self._file model = self.model #Retrieves the time-point r = model.get_real(self.real_var_ref) i = model.get_integer(self.int_var_ref).astype(float) b = model.get_boolean(self.bool_var_ref).astype(float) #self._write_data(data) self.dump_data(np.array(float(model.time))) self.dump_data(r) self.dump_data(i) self.dump_data(b) #Increment number of points self.nbr_points += 1
[docs] def simulation_end(self): """ Finalize the writing by filling in the blanks in the created file. The blanks consists of the number of points and the final time (in data set 1). Also closes the file. """ #If open, finalize and close f = self._file if f: t = np.array([float(self.model.time)]) self.dump_data(t) self._write_header("data_2", len(self.real_var_ref)+len(self.int_var_ref)+len(self.bool_var_ref)+1, self.nbr_points, "double") f.close() self._file = None
[docs] def get_result(self): """ Method for retrieving the result. This method should return a result of an instance of ResultBase or of an instance of a subclass of ResultBase. """ return ResultDymolaBinary(self.file_name)
[docs] def set_options(self, options): """ Options are the options dictionary provided to the simulation method. """ self.options = options